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Max Geyser: Blog


An update and a little taste

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Hey folks. Thanks for staying patient as writing continues. I've found time to get three chapters done after a half rewrite of chapter two and an entire rewrite of chapter three. I'm now half done with chapter four and I'm thinking releases will start next month. I wanted to give you that heads up in case you wanted to re-read Book I. I'm planning to release Book II chapters bi-monthly, or every two weeks or so. I hope to be well into chapter five before we get rolling.

I have made a couple of little changes to past chapters. For one, I wanted to keep using a handful of characters that were two grades below Jake. I decided to make them one grade below Jake. I don't want to flesh out too many new characters before Jake gets out of high school. We'll mostly stick to the ones you know and love, but we'll meet some new people along the way. The college years will be almost like starting from square one.

None of the chapters have been edited yet. However, I've started the habit of rereading the entire chapter and making little corrections or additions before adding new content. I think the chapters are already a little more polished this way.

As a bonus to this blog post, I'm going to paste a little taste of one of the chapters below. I won't say which chapter. I want to give you a little taste without a big spoiler. I hope you all enjoy this little passage, and the next book as well.

This passage has not been seen by an editor yet.



Little drops of perspiration gathered in the lovely valley of her spine where her back joined the round globes of her sexy little ass cheeks. She sighed in pleasure as she slowly ground her hips back and forth atop me, my throbbing cock trapped deep inside her hot, wet folds.

I admired the two little dimples at the base of her lower back, and slid my hands over her hips, placing a thumb pad over both of those indentations in her nearly-flawless skin. Her skin was hot to the touch and wet with sweat.

"Mmmmmmm," she moaned in appreciation, wringing her hands through the long curls of her thick brunette hair.

I couldn't see her face, only her backside. And what a backside it was.

Her breathing and her moans ramped up slowly, almost imperceptibly as she worked my cock in the tight confines of her sucking pussy.

I urged her further with my hands gripping her hips, ramping up the pace and the pleasure.

Then she suddenly shifted her movements from a simple back and forth grind to slowly undulating her hips into a circular motion, her body working like a steam train slowly driving steel wheels forward with purposeful chugs.

The effect was doing incredible things to my cock, and I could tell, reaching every touchstone of pleasure deep inside her.

She let go of her luxurious hair and gripped my hands over her hips, locking them in place as she slowly increased her pace, her breath quickening as even more sweat gathered at her lower back, finally forming a full drip that raced down the cleft of her ass, tickling her briefly before splashing down where we joined together.

I groaned in absolute pleasure at her refined technique. She glanced over her shoulder, giving me a come-fuck-me look and a knowing little grin.

I was already fucking her, but the look just drove me closer to the brink. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

She turned forward again, lifting her face to the heavens as she started to really get down to business.

Gripping my hands tight against her hips, she quickened her rotations, carving my cock around deep inside her.

"Nnnnguuh, nnnnnguuuh," her moans turned more plaintive as she sought release from the slow burn of our lovemaking.

Taking her cue, I met each rotation with a small thrust of my hips, jamming myself impossibly deep inside her on each downward movement.

Her pace quickened, her movements starting to reach a more desperate crescendo as she panted and starting giving small shrieks of pleasure atop me.

I could tell she was close, perhaps closer than me to an explosive orgasm. I freed my right hand from under hers and let go of her hip, leaning forward to bring my hand between her pumping legs and over her bare-shaven mound.

She sucked in her breath and slammed down into me as I found her throbbing clit with my middle finger and strummed a singular musical note over it.

The effect ignited an enormous detonation deep inside her as I felt her hot, wet walls collapse, trapping my cock in tight constriction.

It was only a millisecond before her body went rigidly tight and a keening wail escaped her throat, screaming in pleasure straight up to the gods themselves.

"Oh fuck, Mel!" I cried out, suddenly realizing who was atop as I was a split second away from a toe-curling explosion of my own.

"NO!" I screamed in horror as my fevered dream ended, my eyes suddenly wide open. I sat straight up in my bed and found myself panting for breath, alone in my room.

The first rays of sunshine were peeking into the back yard. The orange light bathing the grove of evergreens in an eerie glow through my windows.

I started to gather my breath, feeling around the bed to get my bearings.

I was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and I could feel a massive hardon throbbing in my briefs, sticky pre-cum gathered at the head of my cock.

"No, no, no," I said softly to myself, my head in my hands.

This was not right. Not right at all. I could not let Mel back into my life like this. I could not let her spectre haunt my dreams.

It had been nearly three weeks since I last had sex. It seemed like longer to a 15-year-old. Sure, I'd found relief myself a few times in the meantime, but this was getting out of hand.

I wondered briefly if I had screamed for real or just in my dream. I cautiously got up and opened my bedroom door, listening intently and peeking out to see if anyone was coming to see what was wrong.

I heard distant snores, and decided I was in the clear. It was just before 7 a.m. Dad would soon get up to do chores, then the family would go to church without me.

I hopped back into bed with a painful erection still tenting my briefs.

Take care of this now, or wait until they leave? I shook lightly as the thought of Mel being the best sex I'd ever had crossed my mind.

'No!' I thought. 'Not giving her that.'

My mind raced through more recent conquests. I was last with Autumn. Our last session had a slight melancholy tone, but she was eager to get all she could out of me one last time. I'd given her three of my orgasms before calling it quits, unable to count each of hers. I had very pleasant thoughts of each session in her bedroom, the sanctuary she invited me into. We did much more than just fuck, but I my mind desperatly needed to think of anyone other than Mel.

Mandy entered my mind. The short, busty vixen was a surprisingly old-fashioned lover. She craved intimacy over pleasure, I think. I thought back to an emotional session in my car with music she'd picked out to make love to. Thoughts of her sweaty body atop mine were slowly driving Mel out my conscious.

How could I forget my secret summer affair with Elizabeth Morris? The college girl, maybe one of my very first objects of sexual fantasy years earlier when she was my babysitter. She had trained and taught me just as much as Mel had. Her experience was limited, but her sense of sexual adventure was nearly limitless. Thoughts of the curvy blond and our many sessions under the guise of tutoring were pushing Mel out of my mind. Elizabeth had gone through her own journey. Long, braids of golden blond hair were shorn off in favor or shorter, platinum dyed locks with a streak of pink or purple to highlight her uniqueness. I wondered what she was up to at that moment. I wondered if she had found some happiness back at college.

I grabbed a couple of tissues and gripped my painfully-hard cock in my right hand, giving it just a gentle stroke as I didn't want to suddenly spoil what promised to be a big orgasm.

Thoughts of all three of my summer flings ran through my mind as I squeezed my eyes closed and willed Melody Rogers out of my mind. She did not deserve this place in my sexual thoughts. I would not let her have this.

Then my mind wandered to thoughts of a girl I never actually had sex with. I had flashes of memories of seeing her light skin, trying to count each freckle on her massive tits, and bringing her to an ecstatic orgasm with my mouth as I gripped those great big boobs in my palms. I could almost taste her strawberry essence. DeeDee's dark blue eyes and dimples were all I could think about as her gorgeous mouth slid down over my cock in my mind's eye.

That was it. That was enough. I snapped my teeth together and thrust my hips upward as gobs of hot cum spilled onto the tissues covering my abs. My cock shuddered in my hand as I caught my breath and coaxed out pure relief from my aching balls.

A single tear rolled down my right cheek as I realized something in shame.

In my desperate way of getting Melody out of my mind, I never once thought about Jen.


Back in the saddle

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Here's some news that will please some of you. I'm writing again!

My son's baseball season has come to an end with an early exit from the state tournament last weekend. I took two days off to relax and detox from baseball, then picked up where I left off on writing. Words are flowing. Ideas are flowing. We're getting somewhere again!

I'd been thinking a lot about the future direction of the story. That being said, I went back and did some needed edits to chapter 36. That one was sloppily-edited. I've uploaded it again. I'm also going to go back and change the graduating class of a few characters so that they can have a more prominent place in the story. No use introducing more characters when I don't need to. There will be plenty of characters by the time we're through. So you might notice some previous chapters getting a wax and polish, along with some changed details.

Moving forward on the new book, chapter 3 was tossed entirely. I didn't like where it was going. Chapter 2 is getting at least half a rewrite. I'm thinking about starting to post Book II here once I have 4-5 chapters complete. However, no editing has been done on these new chapters, so we're a good month or so out from new content posted here. But that's something, right?

So there you go. A progress report.

A thank you and an update

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For those of you who voted for my story as best story by a new author and for me as best new author, thank you! It was an honor to be second place in both of those categories. I would have loved to see the story get first place, but I feel there are other new authors out there putting out a lot more content than me at this point.

So, several of you have dropped me a note to ask how book II is coming along. I'll try to keep the answer long and the excuses short.

It's not going very well, but don't fret.

The progress is about exactly where it was in mid-March. I have two completed chapters and a tricky third chapter that I have paused and restarted a couple of times. I didn't like where it was headed.

Life has been extraordinarily busy. Right now, I'm coaching 11U baseball for my son's team. That means practice three nights a week and tournaments nearly every weekend. In fact, every weekend of my summer is already accounted for until late July.

I'm up at 4:30 a.m. each weekday to head to work, then I have a short amount time after work to get ready for baseball practice, then I'm home sometime after 7:30 p.m. There just isn't much time for writing right now.

This is NOT a complaint. I'm LOVING life. My wife and I get to spend a lot of time with our son, coaching and watching him play. It is rewarding. I have older friends who have told me to cherish this while I can. He's going to be graduating from high school in a handful of years, and it will go by like the blink of an eye.

Many authors take a hiatus for various reasons that just plain suck. Health concerns, family issues, work problems. I don't have any of those problems, and that makes excuses harder to relate.

My spare time is sparse. It's difficult to spend in my home office at the computer. I'm doing plenty of that already at work.

So where do we stand?

I'm not blocked, I'm just busy. I can't really call it a hiatus. I have to say I think about the story all the time. I think about the direction we're headed, character development. Events that will happen far into the future. I even think about individual dialogue.

The story is not dead. Jake and company are very much alive. I do plan to complete another book. I just can't definitively tell you when it will happen.

I'm thinking about starting to publish some chapters after the baseball season ends. (late July) If allowed to publish on a bi-weekly schedule, I think I could do it.


I recently followed Tefler on Patreon to help support his work and really get a better feel for how that process works.

I have decided that's not for me right now. I do this as a hobby for the time being. I do visualize a time when I'm closer to retirement that I may sell written works or ask for that kind of patronage.

For now, I have a job, and I can tell you it keeps me plenty busy.

So again, thanks so much for reading the story, dropping me notes and your votes. You'll get some new content at some point, and I'll keep in touch.

AAATSL Book 2 Update

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It's been quite a while since I've posted anything to the site, so I thought I would provide an update on the progress of my second book.

Fans of Book One will likely be a bit disappointed to hear I only have two chapters and a partial third complete. Take heart though. These first chapters are lengthy. About as lengthy as the longest chapters of Book One. So there's that.

I've found it increasingly difficult to trudge into my home office after a long day of work to once again sit at a computer and pound out content. (for free at that) I hope I've found a solution on that front in getting a laptop. Now I can write a bit more on the go, writing from the kitchen or bedroom; really just anywhere more comfortable than the office chair.

So, here I sit today, taking in the Pro Bowl and writing a quick blog post. I think this is going to help.

On a more personal level, I'm assistant coaching my son's 11U baseball team again. Three nights a week I can't do much writing, and busy tournament weekends ahead.

Where does all this leave the book? I think I will start releasing some chapters in the spring, likely April or May, with a bi-monthly release schedule. I think I can keep up at that pace.

Jake Parker is having an eventful fall of 1991 and I can't wait to share some of the fun.


I noticed recently that some of you have nominated me for the Clitorides Awards under best new author and best erotic story by a new author. I am quite honored to have your nomination. AATSL is just a few votes behind at the moment. If you are so inclined, please consider tossing a vote toward the story. I'd be delighted beyond words to see Jake and friends win that honor.

Thanks in advance,
-Max Geyser

One hell of a ride!

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Thanks 300,000 times for reading An All-American Teenage Sex Life. The book has been downloaded that many times, and I hope the completion of the book will spark even more downloads.

The final chapter is in the hands of my editors, and I hope to be able to publish it sometime Friday or Saturday. It's been one hell of a ride!

When I set out to write the darn thing, I had no idea about several things. One, it would take me months longer to finish than I anticipated. Two, the feedback would be so positive and rewarding. Three, so many things would come up to slow down the completion of the book.

Things were rolling along at a good clip at first. I wrote shorter chapters. I was intertwining two time periods and it was going well. Then chapters got longer. I had a lot to say. A lot to cram into each chapter. A lot to explain. A lot of dialogue. Chapters got longer and longer. Finally, things came to a boil at chapters 24, 25 and 26. I felt like I hit the big reveal out of the ballpark. I wanted to finish the book with 4-5 more chapters and finish Book 1 so that Book 2 could get going.

A funny thing happened along the way. Real life was busy, and I felt Jake should have a fun summer. Combining those things slowed progress down. I felt like I had even more to cram into each chapter. Weekly updates became bi-weekly updates. I hope not to do that to my readers again. The plan for the next book is to get it at least half done before releasing any of it, and I will know in advance that winter chapters get written at twice the pace of summer chapters. I'm going to try hard to keep chapters in similar bite sizes and make sure each one has its own satisfying arc. I know that's hard to do, but I think that can only improve my writing.

Looking back, each book should start on July 4. Book 2 might just end July 3, we'll see.

I should also mention, I never expected so many personal notes of gratitude for the book. Chapter 25, in particular, drew a lot of notes about how emotional it was for folks to read and relive something similar in their lives. I was touched by every single one. I also never expected my first work to bring in a score north of 8 on this site. There are some works I find incredible with scores hovering above and below my book. That really means something to me as well.

Truly I thank you all for taking the time to read my story, to give it a score or to take the time to send me a note. I really do appreciate it.

What's next? Well, you should know that I'm going to be writing for the next couple of months, but I don't think you'll see any work until late winter or early spring at the earliest. The gaps between chapters were too long toward the end of this book, and I plan to keep it to weekly updates next time.

For now, farewell. We'll pick things up in the fall of 1991 with Jake starting his sophomore year. I already have much of it all mapped out. The bones just need some flesh. It's going to be another wild ride!



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