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It's fall back here in most of the U.S. today, so my story "Fall Back Fuck" uses that as a theme.
We have seven clocks to set one hour back. We'd have one more, but our microwave LEDs have been burnt out for decades, so there's no way to set that and no purpose to try. (Otherwise the 35 year old microwave works just fine.) We'd have eight, now that I think about it, but our grandfather clock has been stuck on 4:33 since the microwave's third birthday. Maybe I should move it back to 3:33 just for fun.
I wonder who here has the most clocks to adjust.
In my little pre-Halloween story today "Cell Phone RIP" the "RIP" shows up as "Rip" in the title. Just so you know. This story is mostly true, except for some stuff.
By the way, this is part of the Best Blowjob Ever collection. If you have written a blowjob story (preferably 1000 words or fewer) which you'd like me to illustrate and post in this collection, let me know.
Today I posted a whimsical (in my estimation) little (172 words plus title and illustration) story "Caveman Days," and it seems to be one of those pieces a lot of SOL readers either love or hate. (I'm used to that.) Take a look and let me know what you think.
I received more than twenty responses to the question I posed in my blog of the other day: "What is the French word for fuck?" Thanks very much. As I may not have made clear, the question largely had to do with what the duck, Rosa, uttered again and again in the crime novels of Louise Penny. The setting for these adventures is a small town in Quebec, just north of the Vermont border, and the residents speak French (although Penny writes the dialogue in English). Rose the duck says "Fuck" but was that a French fuck or an English fuck?
By coincidence, in this morning's New York Times is an article "A Language Bill Deepens a Culture Clash in Quebec" which touches on this subject.
Apparently there is a new law pending in Quebec that will, among other things, require people to speak French. My understanding of French is pretty much limited to "merde" and "fuck," though I rarely say either word out loud. So if I were to visit Quebec, I'd have to remain silent or risk breaking the law. I wonder how Penny gets by writing books in English?
I'm all for freedom of speech and I'm all against censorship, so maybe I won't be visiting Canada any time soon. And I guess, depending on whether it's an English fuck or a French fuck, Rosa the duck may be in big trouble.
I do like the sound of French. And I know it's the language of love. When crying out in orgasm, do French lovers use French to express their ecstasy? What might be the punishment for slipping into some other language mid climax?
On a slightly different note, yesterday my SOL download count topped 2.5 million. Thanks to SOL and to you for taking a look at my stories.
I received four responses to the question I posed in my blog post yesterday about the best way to represent texting in fiction. All four responses indicated I should just write the txting in plain English. I like that; I feel comfortable now not changing anything.
It would have been a bit silly to try to represent the txt in that story ("Anais' Almost Bare Naked Ass") in txt speak because Anais and her friend Louis are French and would have been texting in French. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that; I couldn't even get the real French right, and anyway I don't think non-English stories are permitted in SOL.
In the last year or two I've read all the Louise Penny novels. These are set mostly in a small town in Quebec just north of the Vermont border. I think it's a fair assumption that most of the characters most of the time converse in French. But the author writes in English, except for a few phrases-"Oui" for example. And when the characters do speak English, we're informed of that. But in some of the novels there is no occasion in which any of the characters speak any English, so it's possible, perhaps even likely, that some readers think they are speaking English.
One of the characters in these novels, Rosa, is a duck, and she speaks but one word, Fuck, although she repeats it, Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, for example, as the occasion warrants. My question is: Is Rosa's "fuck" in French or English? In other words, what's the French word for "Fuck"?
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