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My story today (Anais's Almost Bare Naked Ass) is meant to be a txt correspondence between Anais and her boyfriend Louis. I thought about rendering it in txtese, but in the end I put it into plain English. Do you think it would have been better to do it in txt speak? Part of the problem is that, not being proficient in txt speak, I do what texting I do in real English. In real life it would take me more time to figure out how to do the txt than to type the English words. Opinions?
I'm back from vacation with a ten day old mustache, grown at a suggestion from my sister-in-law, whose husband as well as all my other brothers have and have (it seems) always had a mustache. I've worn a mustache before. Twice. One lasted almost six months. This new one, I think, impaired my golf game. At least that's my excuse. No doubt I'll do a story about it.
So far I've posted eight stories to SOL with at least one mention of a mustache. One of them, quite autobiographical, is called Shaving Cream.
I've found that (among those who vote), my stories with mice in them are among the least popular. Maybe if there were a story code for mice (or vermin), readers with aversions to rodents could steer clear-not that story codes seem to have that kind of effect. I think most of my rodent stories are cute. Not that in real life I especially like mice. A few years ago some of them nested in the air filter compartment of my car, and rather than pay a lot to get them cleaned out, I traded the car in. I also set a bunch of traps in the garage and caught seven mice. Poor little things. They are cute! A friend suggested mothballs instead of traps. I tried that. I'm not sure if it worked, but I didn't like the smell of mothballs in the garage, so I'm just hoping that the automakers have designed mouse inaccessible air filter compartments.
Anyway, I've posted another mouse story today. "When the Cat's Away."
In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's birthday (August 13, 1899), tomorrow I'm posting a little story which keys off one of the most startling sexual scenes in all of moviedom. "The Birds" is not my favorite Hitchcock film, but the orgasm scene is one of his best. (Originally I thought Hitchcock's birthday was August 23. My memory is decidedly defective at times.)
One of the scariest thing I ever saw on TV was part of a Hitchcock TV show and involved a escaped mental patient, a pair of pinking shears, and a canary.
Those who follow my stories may notice I'm now posting one story per day instead of two. Technical reason: SOL policy prohibits an author having more than four stories in the list of the ten newest stories. I'll probably do two stories on special occasions. (Also I don't wish to be perceived as flooding SOL.) So far today I see only one story besides mine on the first page of the new stories list. It's not a list I'd looked at before I became aware of this policy. Are fewer stories being posted as of late? If so, why?
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