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Mat Twassel: Blog


The Best Blowjob Ever

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The Best Blowjob Ever

Tomorrow (that's Saturday, July 24, 2021), if all goes to plan, I'm starting a new series called "The Best Blowjob Ever." Each piece in the series is independent, but each is about supremely good oral sex. Each will be illustrated. I expect to post a new story or poem on the subject at least once a week, maybe more often.

If you would like to contribute your original story or poem to this series, contact me for more information. Preferably the piece would be no more than 1000 words. I would add an illustration (unless you have an original illustration of your own to add), and I'd post on SOL.

Best Places for Public Sex

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A little poem comment by vicesquat (related to my story Museum Stories) prompts the following questions:

What are the best places for public sex, and how does the loo rank? (And what qualities make for ideal public sex?)

Happy Fourth

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And thanks very much to Ashley for contributing a celebratory poem. I'm on vacation this month, with somewhat limited computer time and sporadic internet, so I'm grateful for the help in filling the slot.


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I posted "The Price of Gas" and "Free Parking" this morning. While there's no real connection between them, I enjoy what congruence there is. "Free Parking" is a poem by Ashley, which I illustrated, but really it's the other way around, which is to say I did the picture a month or two ago (and I've forgotten what spurred it), and Ashley did the poem inspired by the picture. Sometimes it works the other other way around, which is to say someone sends me a poem (or a story) and I do an illustration for it. I enjoy these sorts of collaborations.

Mink Versus Marigolds

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Mink Versus Marigolds

Yesterday I posted two stories with elderly main characters (Mink at the Blue Coyote Café and Marigolds). The codes are pretty much the same except Mink is illustrated. After one day, Mink is whomping Marigolds in the download count by almost two to one. (2725 to 1462). Should I take it that SOL readers prefer animals to flowers?

My story today (Canceled) features neither animals nor flowers, and the characters are not elderly. Possibly I should have put mystery in the story codes.



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