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For those of you who have been following “Faith’s Journal,” Faith gave birth to Sarah. Two weeks later Leila gave birth to Adam. Both had relatively easy deliveries. Following the birth of her child, Faith discontinued her journal for approximately five years. Now she makes entries sporadically. I expect to post those beginning sometime next month.
The young, lovely, and irrepressible Naomi has appeared so far in twenty of my stories (as well as one by Northman). Thanks to my fellow SoL writer Jon Eugene (author of the entertaining and sexy series A Photographer’s Fantasy), Naomi’s Journal is now available here as an ongoing series, with my illustrations. Look for penname “Naomi.”
Thanks very much to all those who responded to my question about story codes. Of the dozen and a half who responded, almost everyone agreed that the story should be coded “incest” if the incestual act was described in any detail, even if at the end of the story it was revealed that the act may not have actually occurred.
Many also suggested that more information be included in the description. I was thinking of adding a “spoiler” to indicate that the incest might not have actually occurred, but one or two readers recommended against this, and after a lot of consideration, I agree with their conclusion. Inclusion of a spoiler would to some extent damage the story.
So my current logic is:
For readers who seek incest stories, whether the incest actually happened or not likely won’t upset them unduly. If it does, my apologies.
For readers who prefer not to have a story “spoiled,” better to avoid a spoiler in the description.
Original blog post:
I’ve scheduled a story for a couple of weeks from now in which one of the characters tells other characters about something that happened to her. Specifically it’s father-daughter incest. It’s described somewhat graphically. But as it turns out, there is a fairly strong likelihood that character telling the story lied about what happened.
Should this story be coded “Incest”?
I suppose if it is coded that way, some readers who hope to be reading a story about incest will be put off.
But if it’s not coded incest, some readers who hate incest stories might be put off.
I’ve begun a series of short, illustrated stories in which Emma travels through a portal so that she is within the scene of a painting or photograph. I’ll probably do one a day for a while, and then we’ll see. There’s certainly no shortage of paintings and photographs. If there’s an image of a photo or painting you’d especially like Emma to visit, and if it’s in the public domain and you have a link, let me know.
A reader complained (I guess it was a complaint) that Amanda’s nipples in the recent story (Raspberry Nipples) were no where near raspberry. I suppose it’s a matter of taste. According to my Adobe Color Chart, Amanda’s nipples are in the raspberry family, specifically a shade called “Candy Bar.”
Hex : #feb9d7
Rgb : rgb(254,185,215)
Hsl : 334° , 97% , 86%
RgbaColor : rgba(254,185,215,1.00)
lab XyzColor : 70.488, 60.675, 72.286
HsvaColor : hsva(333.91,27.17%,99.61%,1)
HsvColor : 334° , 27% , 100%
This is also the color of Amanda’s clitoris when lightly coated with girl cum, for those of you interested in a fuller picture.
Today’s story has to do with fishing. It’s called “Fishing” and I hope it provides some useful or at least entertaining fishing tips.
According to SoL search, thus far I’ve posted 29 stories which have something to do with fishing, but lest I mislead anyone, I am not an accomplished angler; to date I’ve caught but one fish using hook and line, a six inch sunfish. I was very proud of that fish. I landed the beauty and watched it flipping and flapping on the pier for all of eight or nine seconds before my cousin rushed over, freed the catch, and tossed it back into the lake. If I were to write a story about this episode in my life I’d be a few years older than eleven and the cousin would be a really cute girl instead of the obnoxious boy cousin two years younger than myself, and though, much like that real life pest of a cousin, she might release the fish, later we might discuss my fishing prowess, perhaps even comparing its length and girth and, let’s face it, perfection, to that of my exuberant cock.
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