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You may have noticed that some of the characters in the story 'Fugitivas' will converse in Spanish. In case you were not aware, many of the people in California, Arizona, Texas and other places have a large Hispanic Community. The majority of these people are bilingual, speaking Spanish and English with equal fluency. Some of the more common words such as 'Gracias' need no real translation, as they are words that are common to American culture and knowledge. In other cases, some words, or phrases or sentences are not. This is why I am including brief translations at the bottom of each chapter, where a character may speak a great deal more than many people know. Example, the phone call between Lupe and her family back in Tempe. Mr. Nemo has cautioned me against the use of too much Spanish and having a translation immediately follow each sentence, as it can distract the reader. Thus, the reason I place at the bottom of the chapter. (It also prevents you from trying to figure things out with the help of Google Translate!) Thank you, everyone for your positive feedback as this story continues. And yes, I do appreciate the folks letting me know about spelling and grammar errors. - K
Look for Chapter 3 in the next day or so. I am getting a lot of feedback. Thank you, everyone for all of your positive comments! This is lots of fun! - K.
Hola! I have Chapter 2 ready to post. Now I just need to figure out how to do that! My goal is to post at least 1 chapter a week (maybe even 2, if possible) until the story is finished. - K.
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