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Kraken: Blog


Retreat Chapters 2 & 3

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Chapter 2 and 3 have been submitted to the mods. Enjoy the new chapters and the weekend!

RETREAT Begins Posting

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Book #3 in the Robledo Mountain Saga begins posting today. The Prologue and Chapter 1 have been submitted to the mods and should be available soon - a couple of days late I know. Retreat is 22 chapters (including Prologue and Epilogue) and picks up right where Refuge left off.

As I've said before, 'Man plans and God laughs'! I know, I know, Lazeez has made it real easy to just plug in the entire story and schedule an automated release of one chapter every Friday. Since I'm both an old fart and slightly OCD (meaning I must have control whenever possible) that isn't going to happen.

Despite the best efforts of my great crew of editors and proofreaders I can't resist making last minute changes so I'm sure I've managed to remangle things they previously corrected and added new mistakes they never saw. It should go without saying that any mistakes found are mine and mine alone.

I'm looking forward to this round of emails and comments so please feel free to do either or both. As always, I'll do my best to respond to every email while lurking in the background to read all the comments.

A Plethora Of Piercing Emails

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It's Pierce not Pearce. As in President Franklin Pierce. Barbara Bush - a direct descendent of old Franklin - is rolling in her grave. This and other errors have been corrected and submitted for posting.

My thanks to guns97, CoullPert, AllisPapa, wonkey, akarge, rpearce, for sending me corrections on the correct spelling of the name, grammar, punctuation, homonyms, and homophones!

Final Chapter of Refuge

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Chapter 17 and the Epilogue have been submitted to the moderators and should post soon. So comes the conclusion of Refuge.

Don't despair though as Paul and Anna ride again in the next book, Retreat. Retreat is finishing up the editing process and looks good to start posting on 12 April. This next book takes the fine folks of Estancia Dos Santos through two more years and provides numerous twists and turns. It answers many, but not all, questions you all have raised in your emails and comments including the identity of 'the Boss'.

Book 4 is a work in progress and, assuming I can control the muse, will take our fine friends up to the beginning of the Civil War.

A special thanks to my fine team of both formal and informal editors, TeNderLoin, TheRev, zap292, Guns97, and CoullPert who continue to school me in the fine points of continuity and copy editing as well as grammar, punctuation, and homonyms/homophones.

To those who've taken he time to send me emails or write on the Comments page, thank you. I never tire of reading your thoughts and viewpoints as they are important to me. I never know what I'm going to learn.

Until April, please enjoy the other fine authors here on SOL, and stay safe!

Penultimate Chapter of Refuge

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Chapter 16 has been submitted and should clear the moderators soon. Next week will be the final chapter and epilogue of Refuge.

My thanks to Guns97, CoullPert, and Anne N. Mouse for continued support with corrections to grammar, punctuation, and homonyms.

One final thought for this week. It seems many folks took my last blog post regarding gauge versus shot as complaining. It was NOT. It was trying to explain what happens when an author, yours truly, gets lazy. The correction took less than five minutes to figure out, make, and post. More importantly it made the story better. So again, I say thanks to those who took the time to send me emails or comment on the inaccuracy!



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