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Kraken: Blog


Retreat Chapter 17

Posted at

This weeks chapter has been submitted to the mods and should be available soon.

My thanks to eagle eyed CoullPert and REP for continuing to report those damn possessive non-possessive apostrophes and the misspelling respectively!

A word about the safety and security concerns of the wagon used to haul prisoners expressed by more than a few readers. It's the 1850's folks! Prisoners rights are the last thing on the minds of Deputies who just want to arrive in Santa Fe alive. Releasing a single prisoner so he can go to the bathroom? Ain't happening! They all go at the same time when the Deputies stop. Can't hold it? Tough!

With that said, were there other 'more humane' ways to approach the transport wagons and increase safety? Sure! I just didn't think of them at the time - I was trying to stay true to the times and didn't really think about the issues raised n the comments and emails. That'll teach me to look at the details!

Keep those comments and emails coming.

Have a safe weekend and enjoy the great weather!

Retreat Chapter 16

Posted at

Chapter 16 has been submitted to the moderators and should post soon.

My thanks to CoullPert for pursuing those damn non-possessive possessive apostrophes! One of the these days I'll get em right - until then I hope CoullPert continues to report them.

I think I'm caught up on the emails - if you haven't gotten a response then my apologies and sincere thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts on the story.

Have a safe and happy weekend!

New Retreat Chapter

Posted at

Chapter 15 has been submitted to the mods and should post shortly.

My thanks to all those who continue to post comments and send me emails - they are all appreciated!

Wishing all a safe and happy Fathers Day to all.

Next Chapter in Retreat

Posted at

A busy day ahead of me so Chapter 14 has already been submitted to the mods and should post soon.

Thanks to all those provided emails and/or comments whether good, bad, or indifferent. Feedback is always appreciated!

Have a safe and happy weekend!

Retreat Chapter 13

Posted at

Chapter 13 is with the moderators and should be posted soon. Old 'Flat Nose' rears his ugly head in this chapter and I can't wait to see the emails and comments on this one!

Old Rotorhead and others make some great points regarding technology in the 'old west' of the timeframe in the comments section - they are all 'spot on' as our friends across the pond would say. As much as I try to stay faithful to the times there are occasional 'slips' where I over simplify the technology or use an ill chosen word like 'steel' when I really meant 'iron'. Many, if not most, of the slips are caught by my fearless editors and proof readers. To those who find those slips frustrating I apologize but some will probably continue to make it through the process.

My thanks to guns97 and CoullPert for keeping me honest with punctuation and possessive apostrophes! Their corrections have been made and posted. I think I'm caught up on all the emails but if I missed yours please let me know!

Progress on Railroad (Book 4) has slowed significantly with the arrival of better weather. The wife, kids, and grandkids all have priority over my writing time not to mention the normal 'maintenance' joys of home ownership - hedges still need to be trimmed, trees pruned, weeds pulled, and grass mowed just to mention a few. Old Rotorhead and sumnerdare have given me some 'food for thought' regarding nighttime communications so I'm also trying to figure out where/when to add a solution and which solution. I'm still shooting for a late Aug or early Sep release but it may slip a few weeks.

If you haven't already done so please check out the FACTS page on my website where you'll find links to a play list for each book as well as background data on each book (

Diagrams of Estancia Dos Santos, New Mexico and Mesilla Valley maps, images related to the books and a list of recommended reading for those interested in the history of the area and times are also available (

Until next week - stay safe!



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