Kat Sakaro: Blog


Ch 21 woes

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I'm stuck on chapter 21, I'm not sure if I can pull it together or not. I've got two routes I can take with it and not sure if it's the right time and should put it on the back burner this chapter, or slap the readers with it being front and center for a chapter or three.

Everyday I look at it at least once, try to get something out, but nothing comes or just a word or sentence, when something does come out, it's progress, and progress is progress.

Still alive, at least I am still

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No easy way to say this, but my father passed away on the 12th of April 2024. So I'm dealing with that, on top of writers block I haven't put even a letter into ANLoL in a couple of months.

I need to reread my own story before continuing on,
I've honestly forgotten half the stuff everyone has done, or to whom in the teens case. The forced recruitment is going to be a big part later on.

This story I'm writing I'm afraid I may not finish it. I just wanted a quick smut piece when I first started, but it seems to have gone beyond that. In the back of my mind this might take multiple books, or one that's really long.

So going to take some time to reread ANLoL, and figure out what to do with the forced recruitment and the assassins guard. Red herrings perhaps? Maybe more sinister than it appears.

Chapter 20 ANLoL

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I've finally gone over chapter 20. So many blue underlines from Word it's not even funny, but it's done, there may still be some errors but If I'm honest, I'm not exactly writing a formal book or anything. Monday at 8am I'll release it

85,000 words

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Well I hit another mile stone, 85,000 words for ANLoL. I never imagined I would write something this big, and I know ANLoL will go past 100,000 still got plenty of story left to tell.

New year, Better me?

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It's the new year, and some people say "New Year, New Me." but I'm going to say New Year, Better Me, because I like the me that I am, but I still need improvement, especially the health side. I'm not going to go to the gym and try to lose weight, or diet (as my favorite cat says, "diet is just Die with a T"). But I do need to improve on my taking my medications, so I will attempt to improve my compliance with taking meds. Taking meds will help keep me healthy and out of the hospital.

I'm making progress on chapter 20. I finally broke thru how and when Sara got her telepathic abilities in ANLoL. So eventually I will look over ch 20, have Microsoft word look it over for me, make sure the corrections are correct and then publish. After all that I'll have to brain storm the aftermath of chapter 15.

Until next time.



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