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Hi all!
And Monday has rolled around again. Happy Monday to you all. The best day of the week as it becomes quiet around here. The terrorists are at work! Weeee!
And there Lady Summer has thrown old Man Winter a curveball. Nice warm weather for a few days until winter will set in.
Herewith is chapter 8 of iSigodi for your enjoyment.
Until next time, stay good, stay healthy and keep the blue stuff overhead and the rubber side pointing down! (And if you are into aerobatics, Happy Lumcevak!)
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
I do hope you guys and girls are in tip-top shape! Here in the Southern Hemisphere all is well and looks like old man winter is on his way in. The redhead has this huge flowering tree thingamajig that only blooms in winter. Well, on Friday she spotted 5 buds on the tree, and that means winter is here. A wee bit early this year I must add.
Now while winter is coming … it is still summer in Northern KwaZulu-Natal and things are getting sticky for Melanie. Let us see what events unfold for the besieged Melanie.
Herewith chapter 7.
Thanks for the two or three emails and three comments. Really! It is appreciated. And also a great hearty thank you to the ONE somebody who voted a five-vote! In the light of all the 10 and 9 votes, I just had to mention the 5 vote, as it will be lost in the thundering heard of 10, 9, and 8 votes. LOL.
Thank you to those who voted in the 10, 9, and 8 categories. That means that 85% of the readers do appreciate the story, and gives me the inspiration to press on.
Until next time, stay good, stay healthy and keep the blue stuff overhead and the rubber side pointing down!
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Between broken garage doors, gate motors, and soft-blocked bank cards, things are going well here. We are gearing up for winter, and did I get a bargain on some Eskimo ware the other day. It is just a shame they don’t make size extra, extra, very small for the Red Head. I can wrap her up in the one I bought her. LOL!
Thanks for all the emails and comments. If you find any more references to KwaZulu-Natal without the hyphenation – sorry. I tried to catch them all.
Herewith chapter 6. I hope you enjoy it. If not, let me know what bugs you. I know there will be a comment or two about the last pic in the chapter, but hey, I have a Reverent / Paster in Australia who reads my work too!
Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
I hope that you all enjoyed a great Easter! A little late, but I hope you all had an Easter as bright as the spring sun, as sweet as chocolate eggs, and as joyful as a bunny's hop! Wishing all my amazing fans a wonderful Easter filled with love, happiness, and blessings.
Here we did have a quiet Easter. The rascals have been off work since last Thursday and are going back to work only tomorrow. It was fun having them at home, but that meant that I did not work much on chapter 11. But that will be rectified from tomorrow when it will be only me, myself and I at home. LOL. Yes, I better stop playing Fallout 4 and start to look at finishing “iSigodi.” Then there is also some Yard Work to finish up. Sigh. (“J”, I know you hate that word, but one must “dalla” what one must “dalla.”)
Thanks again for all the comments and the emails. If I did not answer you yet, don’t worry, it’s in the pipeline… soon! LOL. Also, I need feedback from you the readers that make use of screen readers, if the ALT TEXT on the pics are getting through and if it is correct in describing the pics.
But here is chapter 5 of iSigodi. Have fun!
Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
P.S. I see that SOL has implemented a “Cover Page” graphic for all the stories. I will look into that and start to upload some cover pages.
Hi all!
Can you believe, we are in the 4th week of iSigodi and now the heat seems to be going up a degree or two? Let us see how Ty and Mel cope with the second guest who has died at the resort in only twenty-four hours.
Here in SA, we are into fall, and the trees are starting to shed their cladding. Soon winter will be on us. My wife, the redhead, predicts a cold winter. I am not so sure. With one eye on climate change, yes that's the new buzzword, I think that the winter won’t be as cold. A few cold days yes, but overall I don’t think it will be such that I need to break out the Eskimo wear. LOL.
But here is chapter 4 of iSigodi. Have fun!
Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
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