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Jacqueline Jillinghoff: Blog


Danielle confronts the pandemic

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My naughty exhibitionist is back. I've just posted a flash story titled Covid Relief, which was suggested by a photo that made its way around social media a little while ago. It's the first story in the Danielle series told from the POV of someone who encounters Dani, rather than Dani herself. It was the only way to go.

And it won't take you long at all to read.

Story repost

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Seven years after posting my fourth Danielle story, I've given it a thorough if not complete rewrite. Parts of it have always bothered, esp. the opening of each chapter, and now they don't, or at least not as much. It's got a new title, too. I call it Spring Rounds, sort of a homage to Stravinsky. Anyway, it's about running around outside naked, and I hope it keeps you warm until spring arrives and we can all take our clothes off comfortably again. Hope you like the new version.

New Year, new story

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A happy new year to all my friends and readers at SOL. Hope your 2021 brings health and prosperity.

A recent conversation inspired a new, brief story, just posted, titled From the Memoirs of a Dog, sort of a Kafkaesque title. This is a first-person narrative told by someone who has no clue what is happening. It seemed the best way to convey the strangeness of the situation.

Enjoy the degradation.

New Verse

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Hej (as we say at IKEA). I have posted a new verse, called "My Summer Gown." It's slight, really, but for some reason I'm proud of it. It's one of the more purely erotic things I've posted, maybe because nothing is stated explicitly. Reading a nice little children's book now called "200 Best Poems for Boys and Girls." The current offering was suggested by some of the pieces in there, though no specific one.

With Apologies to Keats

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I've never agreed that truth and beauty are the same thing. In any event, here's my version of one of those elaborate romantic contraptions, titled Ode on Some Grecian Porn. It describes some real erotic pottery, which you can find pictures of online. Unfortunately, I don't have permission to include them here.



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