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First - thank you to everyone who's written to me. I appreciate it!
In the spirit of that, I've had a few changes suggested by astute readers. A missed word in one place, a few fact checks, a bit of clarification. They'll post as revisions to the affected chapters, and that's the question.
I've got a few options:
1) Just silently update the version on affected chapters. Obviously the least disruptive and easiest option, but the one that gives readers the least information.
2) Update the version and post a general "hey, things changed!" blog entry.
3) Update the version and post a more specific "these things changed" blog entry.
4) Keep a list of changes that itself gets updated.
5) Something else.
There's also a question of how often to update. My preference is sooner, really; it saves new readers from hitting things that have been fixed. But it also creates more opportunities to distract readers. On the other extreme, I could simply update the whole thing as posting concludes.
In a vacuum, I'll probably go with option 1, silent updates, and maybe every other week or so, but I don't want to do that if it's going to be upsetting. To be clear - this would only be for missing words, grammar, little clarifications, and the like. If anything had impact on the story, that's entirely different and I would never do that without making it clear it was happening.
And the underlying message here is that, yes, I really value comments and corrections, even if - maybe especially if - it's a missed or poorly chosen word, a grammatical issue, etc. Bigger issues are harder to fix - if I've written a character or scene in a way that doesn't work, that might be nearly impossible to fix, but fixing spelling and grammar and missed words is easy.
Everything posted has been through at least four rereads on my part plus the work of two volunteer editors/proofreaders. There's a caveat: obviously, something fixed later in the process will miss one or both of my editors. That's the cause of the missing word that made it out to posting.
It's amazing what you can't see even after that much attention, so thanks again for letting me know what you spot.
I'm going with a suggestion of 4x/week (one chapter each). If this doesn't work, the aim will be twice or three times a week.
My current planned schedule is M/W in the morning and Fri/Saturday in the evening. Obviously, for those who prefer to read less often, pick a couple days and there'll be a couple chapters waiting, with any luck.
Chapter 9 should be out shortly, 10-12 are queued (and I'll get 13-16 in the system shortly).
Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to write to me!
I received a suggestion to change my posting frequency from 4 chapters once a week to two chapters twice a week. I think that makes a lot of sense, so I'm throwing it out that. Thoughts? Which days are best for you (I'm tentatively leaning towards Monday and Friday)?
As implied, my leaning is to change, unless a lot of people prefer larger posts once a week.
Thank you to everyone who dropped me a note - I appreciate it!
I'm posting four more chapters today to move the regular posting day to Friday. Expect most postings to be on Friday going forward, except for a bonus now and then.
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