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G Younger: Blog


Oops - My editors are going to kill me

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Two ship names in Norse were similar, and I thought I'd just typed them wrong, so I proactively fixed them before posting on SOL.

The Yhave ship is the Relentless, and Loki's old ship is Reckless.

The fixed version will be available on SOL shortly.

The next book is written.

Posted at

The second book in the Last Cowboy series has been written and will be posted on SOL after Norse—a Star Academy prequel.

Norse will begin posting in two weeks.

Description: In the far future, on a remote planet, an epic adventure awaits. Brodie Erikson returns from Hersir Academy to become the military leader of his Norseman clan. He hoped to live in peace, but his enemies had other plans. In their eyes, someone as young as he was shouldn’t hold such a lofty position.

Against all odds, Brodie, his two best friends, and a quirky AI face his fellow people and a mysterious alien race with superior technology. It all comes crashing down, and his team finds themselves in a desperate struggle for survival. Determined to fight back, Brodie discovers that the aliens also have enemies—something far worse. If Brodie fails, humanity itself will perish.

This is the prequel to the long-anticipated Star Academy series.

Cue the dramatic music.

Thanks for reading - G Younger

Stolen Plans and other news

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Stolen Plans has been removed from SOL as I forwarned. This was explained in a previous blog.

For those outside the United States, I've been told that my website is now working. If you find an issue, let me know so I can beat my webmaster for messing it up to begin with. He mainly develops for local people and had no idea what he was up to. I'll just leave it at that.

Note to self: Just because you know someone doesn't mean you should hire them.

Final thing: A handful of people said they like longer chapters. Since The Outsider has already been written, I can't change chapter lengths. Instead, I will post two chapters on Saturdays, meaning there won't be one on Wednesdays.

If you want more chapters per week, contact Bud Ugly, my editor. He controls how many chapters I can post weekly. He has an elaborate plan for the next few books to be posted on SOL. Good luck getting him to change that plan. Plus, someone... maybe it was me... approved the plan.

If you have an issue, either talk to the hand or contact Bud Ugly (he loves to hear complaints).

G. Younger

Reader Questions

Posted at Updated:

From time to time, I get questions that I am sure a lot of other readers probably have. Here are three:

1) One question, I have gone back and not seen a full description of the little ninja (Cassidy). I love stories with great character development; you are one of my favorites. I have seen some authors who have, on a website, offered pictures of what they envisioned the character to look like.

I asked my editors if they had ideas on what she looked like. Here are a few of their responses... let me know what you think:

I wouldn’t do it. When characters are well written, as yours are, we all develop an image of them in our mind’s eye that is aligned with our preferences, and provided images tend to disappoint because of it. I was usually disappointed with images when he used to do it.


aroslav/Wayzgoose/Devon Layne deliberately either doesn't describe his characters or gives a minimal description, unless of course the description is a key factor in the story. An example of the latter is his 'Team Manager' series. The MC's size, his 'coke-bottle' eyeglasses--those are very important to his situation when the first book begins, and some physical changes in him are also important in at least one later book. But that's pretty much an exception.

OTOH, charliefornow generally sends photos of girls/women representing his stories' characters. Looking at them and reading his descriptions clarifies what things about women attract him. (stockings, heels--way up there; I'm giving nothing away, as the stories make those things obvious)

I think either way works.


I have an idea of what all my characters look like. I've found images of what I think they look like and try to use those for consistency's sake. But I've always believed that you must leave it to people's imagination because what I think is attractive might not be what someone else thinks.

Then I sometimes totally go against that... if you haven't noticed, writers are a little nuts.

2) Why do you have to pull down books from SOL when you put them on a pay site?

I've skirted the issue with Stupid Boy, but not willing to keep poking the bear, so to speak, that is(name deleted). If a book will be on their site, I'll pull it from SOL. It can remain on Bookapy and my site if it isn't free (or cheaper than on their site).

Note that several authors have had to do this.

3) Why is your site down in Canada?

This one had me scratching my head, so I contacted my webmaster. I found out that they are terrible at customer service. That's another story, and it has a lot to do with you getting what you pay for.

Greg -

I am doing an overhaul of our firewall this weekend. In order to prepare for that, I have everything but the US blocked until this weekend while I work on the firewall in the meantime. I have will have global functionality restored by Monday

Update on Mother Nature

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I have a tree limb on my roof, and the electricity stayed on. We would have had it worse if the hurricane hadn't turned south. All good, though.

Now, the issue is getting out and about. We have no gas, and where there is some, there are huge lines. Walmart does not even offer deliveries or pickups until Tuesday. I might go to a casino and play poker until sanity returns.

Non-weather-related news: Stolen Plans wraps up this Saturday. It will only be up for a short time afterward because we will be moving it to another paysite, which prohibits us from offering it for free. If you want a copy for your library, use the download feature SOL offers.

Thanks for everything.
G. Younger



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