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elevated_subways: Blog


Final chapter for Scouting Rounds a Guy Out

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It took a while for me to figure out how to end this. It struck me that the plot is similar to Summer of ’42, although this takes place over several months rather than in one evening. As in that story, the age difference between the two protagonists here is a major issue.

After all of these years, there is still a diner on the southeast corner of 181st Street and Fort Washington Avenue, although the name is different now.

New story - Chris and Ellen

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In 1980, a plump, plain girl transforms herself into a "punk queen," or so she thinks. As part of her new image, she lands a slightly older, and somewhat nerdy, boyfriend. Their sexual hi-jinks in the various buildings her dad maintains get her old man's attention. He decides it's time to rein her in (and get rid of her horny boyfriend) by applying the old-fashioned "rod of correction" to the "naughty backsides" of both of them.

New series: My Kinky Alisa

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This may be short, no more than four chapters, but it's very difficult to be sure. The first chapter is at a New Jersey office building in the late 1980's. The first sex scene takes place in there. There are ways to get away with events like that. The building itself, with its one floor that is half-empty, is based on one I worked in. The events depicted in there are entirely fictional, however.

New story posted – A Hot Evening with Miriam

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Also, I think can write a last chapter that will finish the Paradise Theater series which was ended without a true resolution. I rewrote parts of it on another site, especially the first two chapters, that gave me clues as to how to end it here. However, that will probably be a couple of months from now at best. I also will not replace any of the existing chapters here.

Chapter 10 of Scouting Rounds a Guy Out

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In his first month in high school in 1969, Hank spends an increasing amount of time with his unexpected new girlfriend Arlene. During that period, he does not travel out to New Jersey to be with his mature lover Molly whom he met a couple of months earlier. On the surface, everything seems to be going well, but Hank realizes that his youth and inexperience are hindrances to him handling two women at the same time.



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