Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
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CMed TheUniverseofCMed: Blog


Trapped in the Mid-Tier Voting Club

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While I'm sure this was news for some at the beginning of this year, I was unaware of the fact that there were voting changes made for book writers on Storiesonline. One of the biggest issues that struck writers posting stories was the concept of early voting. Many times readers that see a few chapters would vote to their hearts' content. However, by committing to such an action, voters would blatantly vote on a story and make their summary judgment of a story even though the story was still in the process of being uploaded. At times, voters would, later on, regret what they voted for because it later turned out to be a good story.

Because of this, writers on Storiesonline had the simple option to disable voting. I had committed to such actions and always remembered to allow voting once the story was nearly completed. Instead, that option has been removed. Even in the Manage Story settings, I still have no means to disable voting. As a result, all stories are now free to have troll voting. Was this an issue before the changes? Yes, but the writers at least had some option to control and stem the tides of it.

I want to make it clear that, as a writer, the voting system on Storiesonline has been haphazard at best. Sometimes it turns the site into a vanity fair where veteran expert writers can put two chapters, and immediately, the audience gives a score of 9 before the story has been fully uploaded, while other new writers receive 2s or 3s. Because of this, it can punish new potential writers. Having horrible low scores is a way of telling new readers that the writer is horrible. It's also a lazy form of feedback that I have ever seen as well because it reduces your story to a number. I would open commenting on my stories, but often trollers would say a few sentences in a derogatory manner. Not just here, but on other sites, I've received statements such as "You write as if English is your 2nd Language" when I was born in the US and spoke English my whole life. I use Grammarly to help me write because hiring a professional editor is horribly expensive, and finding editors that would work for free is exceedingly rare.

While I leave the comments disabled, you are free to message me, and I welcome it. Keep aware that there are three types of feedback: Positive, Constructive, and Negative. Positive feedback is saying that you like the story. It's nice, but nothing more can be said about it. Negative feedback is where you condemn the story, or as trollers would commit to, condemn the author and waste everyone's time. Then there is Constructive feedback. The very reason that I put my stories on Storiesonline is for readers to find mistakes and let me know. Despite my rereading and editing a story, mistakes are going to be made. We are all human, after all. In other words, your feedback matters to me. From there, the stories can be improved before it hits the bookshelves.

But, with the system the way it is, I'm left to see it continue to operate in a format where I have to take the voting score with a grain of salt. I would ask for my fans or newcomers to combat troll voting by voting early, but I hate having to even say that, and it can make me look hypocritical. For those that have preconceptions about a story that they might not like, wait till it's fully uploaded before voting. We live in an age right now where a "sensitive reader" will say, "Oh, I didn't like those two sentences," or "There's no sex in this chapter, downvote!" Even my books with the lowest scores on them on Storiesonline, such as the Garden of New Olympia short stories, have the highest views on places such as Wattpad and Furaffinity. The moral of the story is that voting scores don't make up everything. I also understand that my stories fit into a niche crowd (Human/Anthro love stories aren't exactly that commonplace in the romance genre), so it might not be everyone. But all I ask is that you try to keep Storiesonline a positive place for writers and keep things in an open mind. Thank you.

Tales of Heroes Has a Theme!

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Youtube Link

I'm happy to announce that the Tales of Heroes book series now has a theme. The music is done by Antonio Aguirre, a talented video game composer who also serves as the sound technician for the Blue Man Group.

Come and check it out. :)

Gabatrix: Minerva Audiobook Sample and Kickstarter

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I'm happy to announce that I have a voice actress interested in doing the voice work for the Gabatrix book series. Elisabete77 is willing to do the work and has provided a sample that is now on youtube. Come and check it out. :)

Youtube Link

The Garden of New Olympia 2 Erotica Stories and Audiobook Help

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I'm happy to announce that the next batch of Garden of New Olympia stories are now being uploaded onto Storiesonline. Each story is short and simple. They are also designed to be expanded upon with erotica stories that you might like to have. To learn more about it, you can check out my website or contact me here on Storiesonline. The Garden of New Olympia is contributed by fans for the fans. Enjoy :)

Among one of the other big projects for this year are audiobooks. Currently, I'm in need of a woman (preferably with a deep voice if possible) that would be willing to be recorded reading the Gabatrix stories, so they can be marketed into audiobooks. Right now, most voice actors are willing to do it for somewhere from $900 to $2500 for Gabatrix: Minerva alone. Needless to say, that is quite a lot of money, especially since I have over 17 books. If you happen to know anyone that is willing to do it for less than that, then let me know. Audiobooks do wonders in expanding what is out there, reach out to the visually impaired, and, in general, many people like audiobooks over just reading a book. Any little bit of support goes a long ways. Feel free to contact me through here or from my website. Thank you and take care.

CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Happy New Year to Everyone

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It's a brand-new year already. 2022 was met with some rather rough situations, but we all stand strong, regardless. In one-year Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign, Garden of New Olympia, Gabatrix: Legacy, and Gabatrix: Relics were all finished. Quite an accomplishment as some of the books were quite big. This year I already have Garden of New Olympia 2 being written along with Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence, a Tales of Heroes story, and Gabatrix: The Pirates of Palora all planned out.

There were some setbacks at the end of last year. Among them was going to be a series of music commissioned pending the possible Student Loan Reprieve that was going to go through. While I was accepted into it, the entire program was held back by court order. What also didn't help were the series of computer breakdowns that occurred that resulted in me having to buy new laptops for my office work. I'm taking no chances and got the max highest warranty because I don't trust the life expectancy of these computers anymore. It's possible I won't have to worry about it ever again in the next ten years (I at least hope).

Among one of the big projects that I wanted to get started for this year are audiobooks. Audiobooks essentially offer an alternative to reading, with many even claiming that they simply listen to audiobooks as their form of "reading" altogether. I, myself, am guilty of that, as I'm sure many others are too. However, audiobooks not only offer benefits to the visually impaired but also serve as an excellent method for expanding the entire book market for Gabatrix and the entire universe. The music was going to be a part of those audiobooks, and why I was wanting to have them.

With all that said, I'm going to take a leap and commission some more music. This will include things such as The Tales of Heroes theme that will be able to overlap Gabatrix (since Gabatrix is part of Tales of Heroes already), a battle theme, and possibly something very short. If the student loan forgiveness had gone through, a lot more would have been commissioned, but as they say, "The show must go on." My biggest goal is to find an actress that is willing to read the stories. With the stories being erotica and war drama based, her voice needs to be deep to accommodate the characters that have deep tonal ranges throughout the entire series. I think I found someone that can do it, but it will be up to her. The costs can be quite significant for such a process, even if my father has a basic music studio. Needless to say, I have to take great care in my expenditures in what will work or not. I'm hoping to at least have Gabatrix: Minerva and Gabatrix: The First Peace made into an audiobook, where I can measure and determine if the expenditures are worth it. If they do well, then more music and more audiobooks can be made. Success breeds success.

Like anything, you, the supporters, and fans, all of you are crucial to making this happen. It's been more than obvious that my expenditures are much higher than I have ever received in reward in return. However, your support has still made a difference. If no support came, then it was possible that I would have just quit writing, seeing that there was nothing of financial or reward value in doing it. Even if a person can write great stories without the fans, the writer is nothing. I thank all of you for making this possible and for your continued support as we start the New Year. :)
CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)



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