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CMed TheUniverseofCMed: Blog


January Update and the New Year

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And like that an entire year had gone by. I got started writing a book series and three books are out now. This year I have many things happening such as the end of my military contract to trying to continue forth with the Tales of Heroes series and possibly a science fiction/space series that will be loosely tied to it as well. Ryujin is fully complete and being automatically loaded in pieces every three days. I have three websites (including this one, that display my works) and I have erotic concept art on Furaffinity and Hentaifoundry as well. I recommend Furaffinity to not only look at my artwork that I commission others to do but also enjoy and read the lore I provide for my universe as well. The fully completed Ryujin story is also there too.

I am now working on Taweret and the Tales of Heroes. It is a direct sequel to Ryujin being set in 1984. I am trying to make this one shorter than Ayida-Weddo and Ryujin was but bigger than Ariadne. There will probably be 3 stories in one book instead of the 4/5 the other two had.

I finally have my Patreon set and loaded up. I treat the Patreon as that, I am not charging for my works (although I do plan on selling my stories eventually) but the stories are always there for the public to read and enjoy. The donations go back to paying and commissioning artists on Furaffinity and additional future artwork. The bigger the pot, the more artwork (mostly erotic) and lore that comes flowing. It would be a dream to be able to write non stop everyday instead of the crappy life of being in a ship all the time like it was for me.

Monthly Update for My Stories and Erotic Concept Art

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I wanted to give an update to my story progress. I got good news, bad news, and more good news.

I might as well start with the bad news and get that out of the way. I went and took down the fanworks for Pinwheel that I wrote. Most of this is due to personal reasons. There is a lot of issues with trying to keep up with a story series that I made plans on that I am unable to eventually sell or is protected by the original owner. It also consumes my time considerably in a realm that I am trying to push forward really hard and that is the Tales of Heroes series that I made. I am sorry to those that enjoyed the pinwheel stories that I wrote. It was a lot of fun writing them and if I had it my way there would be more than 8 stories all interconnected. That being said I still have the stories in my hard drive and backed up in other places so that if Snekguy ever reads and enjoys the stories I wrote then I will come back, make the necessary revisions, and put them up as a better set of stories and more. Until then it is a time sink that can be better put somewhere else.

This leads to the massive amount of good news. While I still only have gotten so far at 141K words on Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes at the moment, there is a large set of new book covers and erotic concept art on my Furaffinity account for my Tales of Heroes series for all to enjoy. The Ariadne and the Tales Book Cover is now up that Oouna drew and did a wonderful job making it. More erotic concept art is filtering during through the next few months made by the same people that are making the book covers. Here is the link

I also have a little bit of the erotic concept art on my Hentaifoundry but they take a long time to upload from there.

The wonderful artists I have hired have all contributed to making this universe that I am making bigger and better. Erotic concept art gets turned into lore pieces that you can enjoy looking at but also provides valuable insight to the story universe to read as well. They are fun to make and I feel they go a long way in making Tales of Heroes a place to dive deeper into. Once I get more made I will proceed with the next step in getting my Patreon made. Right now discontinuing the fanwork Pinwheel stories is a wonderful idea so that I can put my effort to getting Ryujin book done. My goal is to finish by the end of this year hopefully. These stories are free to read and my goal is to eventually market my books when enough books come out. Enjoy. :)

Book Covers and Monthly Update for My Stories

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Hello everyone, I wanted to write a little bit to let everyone of the status so far in my writing.

This month has been a little bit of a slow down in the writing. So far I have gotten about 105K in Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes (I was hoping to have way more than that by now). I have been slowed down due to going back and visiting family and taking a badly needed break from work in the military. I am hoping to finally get out of the service by next year.

There is some good news though. I did use my time wisely with family and began to commission a new wave of book covers. I also have a book cover fully completed for Under the Influence and put it up on Furaffinity ( and Hentai Foundry ( if you wish to see it. I have way more that will be put up there as time progresses. I will be adding titles to them eventually as I get better and better with PhotoPro but it is not high in the priority list. I also have concept art coming out featuring one of the races for upcoming Ryujin and Taweret stories that will be worked on.

That being said I am going to be looking at a big revision for Under the Influence and especially Warrior of Silence. The main story will not be changed and if you have already read it, don't worry. I also have a sequel planned eventually with that story in the future where you will see those characters again and possibly way more. Unfortunately I do need to come back to those two stories especially Warrior of Silence. I have been working on trying to fix many minor details that will require some changes. Since this is another person's universe, I try to make sure the story is consistent with the universe as possible. Some of these changes will include changing out laser weapons to caseless weapons for example, changing some aspects of the environment since Savra is much bigger and bulkier now with Snekguy's future revision to Highway to Krell to follow Return to Krell changes (Going from Grim's original artwork to Rube's for example). It's going to be extensive but possible. It does also give me one more chance to go back and make appropriate grammatical fixes as well.

I am still considering the possibility of changing the titles for Under the Influence and Warrior of Silence to have Chronicles of Pinwheel in the title name. That way all the stories are easy to navigate and read in order instead of relying on the description to tell you. If I do then Warrior of Silence will be renamed Chronicles of Pinwheel Story 1 Warrior of Silence and the Chronicles of Pinwheel Story 1 the Zera Maneuver that I originally have will be renamed Story 3 instead. I would like to wait till the revisions are done before I do that though.

I am still looking at Patreon to put up all my stuff that I have here including pictures more easily. Any constructive comments you have will be helpful. I will keep working on my Tales of Heroes series. Take care and thank you for reading my stories. :)

Future Planning, Ideas, and Considerations for my writings

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Hello Everyone my name is CMed, I have been writing the Tales of Heroes and Fanworks for Snekguy's Pinwwheel universe and wanted to get a big update on future things.

As I continue into almost a full year of writing I am getting better and better as time progresses. I want to thank people for the constructive comments and things that might advance things for my writings. That being said I am now going to be moving into the next steps in writing.

Note: This IS NOT a DONATION REQUEST. I am considering for awhile the possibility of creating a Patreon page for myself. I would treat this more of a donation box with the ability to showcase a little bit of concept art at the same time. I don't really have any thing for rewards although I might go and provide a special thanks to those that want to be listed on my stories for their generous donations. All my stories are free. The Patreon wouldn't open until the next couple of months but could be used to help fund book covers maybe even some concept art for races in Tales of Heroes. It would be strictly volunteer if you wish and not force to pay to read. Let me know what you think as I can try to create a little bit a hub for anyone to voice opinions.

That being said there are two book universes I write. One is the fanworks for Pinwheel for Snekguy. Under the Influence was my first book I ever wrote. It is both a beginning for my writing with some rough edges and things that I want to return and revise now that I have been further and further contact with the original writer of the story universe in getting the minor details right. Nothing major in the story will be changed that the readers originally read but I want to help eliminate things such as internal parentheses talking when I initially wrote it. The story was originally written in 1st person point of view and then switched to third person point of view and the transition was not easy to do for me. The later chapters smoothed out so much better though.

I am also looking into a major revision for Warrior of Silence the sister to Under the Influence. Now that artists such as Rube has provided some wonderful artwork for the Krell and the original author wants to revise Highway to Krell, I am also going to be looking into doing some revisions of my own to Warrior of Silence since the female Krell look almost exactly like the Males but with a chest to them (I recommend checking out Snekguy's Patreon to look at the new artwork for the Krell).

Chronicles of Pinwheel is the next step for the fanworks. I have actually even been considering things such as renaming Under the Influence and Warrior of Silence to have Chronicles of Pinwheel with the title along with the original titles for uniformity reasons. If I do this Under the Influence would be renamed Chronicles of Pinwheel 1 Story 1 Under the Influence and the Zera Maneuver would be called Chronicles of Pinwheel 2 Story 1 the Zera Maneuver to compensate. Again this is only an idea, as it can help provide uniformity to something much like I do with Tales of Heroes as all their titles have Tales of Heroes along with the title.

With all that being said, the Pinwheel stories as much as I am happy to write them present abilities and disadvantages. The advantage is being able to promote Snekguy's universe. It is his universe obviously but there is some hope deep in mind that maybe a series on TV could be made if it keeps getting more and more successful that I could be a writer to serve with him. I have often been called his clone by other fans do to the extreme efforts in making things as consistent as possible with his universe. The catch is that I am not being paid to do this and I cannot go and sell my fanworks since it would be copyright infringement at this time. Dreams can be a fleeting thing though but he is making references to fanworks that write to his universe including Iron Wolves. In Firebrand I was happy that Snekguy mentioned the African Union as a reference to what I wrote in Warrior of Silence. I have passed question after question to him in what I wanted to have to go with the story with the Zera Maneuver to ensure that those events get a nod as he advances his writings. I have to take things slowly with Chronicles of Pinwheel but I actually have six more stories planned as Snekguy has a busy writing schedule as do I as my career and way path may change.

Since Pinwheel is one thing, my reasons for my writing is a simple one. I like the anthro women big or small. Everytime I read a human with some werewolf for example it is 50 times out 1 that the werewolf is a male doing it with some regular human woman. Monster love is usually something in stories where the human woman either falls or is taken in by some beast man. Honestly what happens to the beast women? Much like Snekguy and MeanDraco with Teraurge You know those beastie women want the snu snu too. That is why I write as I feel that I am reaching out to that audience. I don't care if the sex is violent or calm and easy, maybe the monsters just need to get laid?

My alternative is the Tales of Heroes or my own universe entirely. It is a collection of stories in one that includes the main story going into a story about the god, or fairy tale character and their events in history. Sex pays off in this universe as some of those relationships with animal anthro gods end up getting pregnant and their children might start to show up in the future stories. History is the backdrop with actual events occurring in the background. I don't mind going back and handling corrections and any typos that might exist. As I get more and more books the bigger Tales of Heroes becomes. I get to have beastie women and male human companions and can expand outward in time. Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes is still being worked on with 78K words and climbing. I don't mind taking breaks to write the short stories for Chronicles of Pinwheel so I am not stuck on this universe all the time.

This brings in another situation. Do you feel the Tales books are too big? This is a very tricky subject for me. My reasons for the big books are obvious and that is having many stories in one. Book cover commissions are expensive but cheaper overall for a large book instead of dividing the book into multiple pieces and having to explain the back story every single time would suck. My Tales of Heroes work like this Main Story:Origin Story for Character:Main Story: Origin Story for another Character:Main Story until the plot ends. Imagine each little story having to explain the Coalition of Deities every time, it would annoy the readers way more often in the end. As a result I cannot divide my big books into small stories and then post them. Tales of heroes was not designed to be read all in one sitting anyway.

No Sex and Erotic Version are a stay for me. 1/6 of my audience prefers no sex and I want to respect that small crowd. All I ask is that you don't downvote the no sex version if you wanted to have the sex version when both are up. Seriously I had someone complain and do that on another site when all they had to do was read the erotic version..... Whatever the case was I promise you that I prefer the erotic version way way more and will continue writing it that way and just leave choice for you guys. Sex in this universe pays off and their children might just show up in the stories including what they contribute.

Anyways, if you have any constructive comments I would gladly appreciate them. I have commissioned artists for Ariadne, Ayida Weddo, and Under the Influence book covers as time continues.

Article and Essay #2 The Battle of Coral Sea

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I figure I try to get more of my Article and Essays put up. Here is another one I wrote way before I got started writing the stories I write now. I have a few more to upload as I continue writing more stories for my Tales of Heroes series. So enjoy. :)

Battles of the Pacific: The Battle of Coral Sea

The Battle of Coral Sea is often remembered in the history books as a famous battle between the Allies against the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was however easily overshadowed by the Battle of Midway. What is considered to be the first battle where surface ships where both sides never saw each other was inevitable in an age where aircraft was becoming more and more accepted by navies around the world. While historically there had been some aerial attacks from sea such as the famous "Doolittle Raid", the concept was still brand new for the United States Navy. Where the Battle of Midway is a major victory for the allies, the Battle of Coral Sea was a draw. That being said there is much to be considered when learning about the Battle of Coral Sea.

As the Japanese Empire was expanding it had to consider what direction to go. It was at the time of World War 2 expanding westward through China but it was also expanding southward into the Philippines, Burma, Malaysia, and the Dutch East Indies (Vietnam). Port Moresby was a crucial port in Papua New Guinea. Like so many ports in the Island Hopping Campaign, Port Moresby was a critical area that led to Australia, Fiji, Samoa, and New Caledonia. For the Japanese, Australia at the time represented a major area to conquer in sealing off the British Empire from the Pacific, but they had to get to their first obviously.

Chester Nimitz and Douglas MacArthur had placed high priorities to defending Port Moresby. All available Aircraft Carriers in the Pacific were to be sent but with the recent Doolittle Raid in April 18th 1942 there were some serious holdbacks. While The Doolittle Raid was a success, the price of holding oversized B-25 Bombers on the deck consumed the aircraft capacities of the USS Hornet and USS Enterprise. They had to return back to home port to resupply, refuel, and rearm. Another Carrier the USS Saratoga would have been available but it had been damaged from a torpedo attack and was undergoing repairs. Only the USS Yorktown and USS Lexington were available for the battle.

Vice Admiral Frank Fletcher was given command of the battle. It was almost a complete even sided battle. The Japanese had three Aircraft Carriers, the United States had two but at the same time both had about 150 Aircraft available. Fletcher formed two taskforces, Taskforce 11 led by the USS Lexington and Taskforce 17 led by the USS Yorktown. The Japanese on the other hand had two brand new Aircraft Carriers of their own the Shokaku and the Zuikaku, both sister ships completed near the same time. It was becoming apparent that even before the battle that this was going to become an aerial battle, as both sides were not using Battleships for the upcoming fight. The concept was that aircraft were becoming so dangerous that in enough numbers it could overwhelm the ship or bases defenses and inflict substantial damage. Battleships and Cruisers with large guns can inflict major damage as well but aircraft had a much superior range that the concept of Aircraft Carriers could not be ignored.

While the United States did play a crucial role in the Battle, another nation was involved in the Battle. The Australians perhaps the first time ever in US Naval History did joint naval operations sending two of their own warships the HMAS Australia and the HMAS Hobart to join up with the taskforces. Australia was also responsible for providing reconnaissance and bases for US Ships to restock and refuel. Their livelihood was just as much at stake if this battle was lost.

The Japanese were nothing to be laughed at when it came to the War in the Pacific. The Reisen or "Zero" their carrier fighter aircraft, were exceptionally well made and considered better than any US fighter carrier aircraft at the time. Their aerial dropped torpedoes had a high successful kill rate and are probably considered the best design in the War entirely. Japanese pilots were even considered better than most US pilots as well.

The first attack from the United States was done on May 3rd 1942 by torpedo bombers and dive bombers from the USS Yorktown. That day they managed to damage a destroyer, sink three minesweepers and four landing barges. It was not what they hoped to sink, but it was at least something. May 6th, the Japanese began to bomb Port Moresby in anticipation of capturing it. They launched an attack of their own sinking the USS Sims with the loss of 379 men. The Japanese would lose the Neosho, a tanker with some of their crew being saved.

The USS Lexington later that day did manage to find the Shoho, a small Japanese Aircraft Carrier. The Lexington launched an attack and managed to sink her using torpedoes and bombs, it was not any major success in the Battle of Coral Sea as the Japanese Navy had several Aircraft Carriers in their inventory at the time, but the US Navy took whatever victories it could.

Also that day the Japanese probably made their first real mistake of the Battle. In attempt to attack the US Aircraft Carriers, Takagi ordered 27 pilots to launch from the Carriers and destroy the US Carriers. Unfortunately, the attack was to be done during the night and in the roughest of the weather. The Japanese lost 21 aircraft with 11 of them going over the side trying to land. Most of the Japanese aircraft lost during the Battle of Coral Sea was because of this incident.

May 8th was the final day of the Battle of Coral Sea and ended with the most happening in the whole battle. It is interesting to note that the first battle in which both sides did not end up seeing each other was originally supposed to be a regular surface engagement. Both the United States and the Japanese considered engaging each other at night with surface ships to finish off one another but by then exhaustion discouraged both sides from doing it. This day would become the first Carrier vs Carrier engagement.
Both sides launched everything they had at one another to sink the opposing Aircraft Carriers. Fighters, Dive Bombers, and Torpedo Bombers were all used. Each type of aircraft had different missions at the time period. Fighter aircraft were responsible for downing enemy aircraft and stopping the bombers from reaching their targets. Dive Bombers as the name insisted would fly high in the air then do a high pitched dive and drop bombs on a target. Torpedo Bombers were responsible for dropping a torpedo at a low altitude that would zero in on an enemy ship. Torpedoes did far greater damage but dive bombers were more successful than Torpedo Bombers.

The Japanese Carriers spotted the US Aerial attack and began to make evasive maneuvers. Twenty one US Naval aircraft made their attack runs but only managed to damage the Shokaku with two bomb hits. These bomb hits killed 108 crewmembers and damaged the flight deck enough that it could not launch aircraft effectively taking it out of commission for the battle.

The USS Yorktown and Lexington on the other hand fought for their lives. The Yorktown was a purpose built Carrier meaning that it was built as it was originally designed to be an Aircraft Carrier. It was smaller and more maneuverable than the other. The Lexington on the other hand was originally intended to be a Battlecruiser but later rebuilt into a Carrier. It was bigger but harder to maneuver. The Japanese aircraft began their attack on the US Carriers. The Yorktown being more maneuverable managed to evade the Japanese Torpedoes and only took one bomb hit. The Lexington on the other hand was not so fortunate. Multiple Japanese torpedo bombers swarmed her dropping torpedoes from all sides. The torpedoes struck and began flooding the ship, the crew did everything they could but there was nothing that could be done to save her. The Captain issued an evacuation of the ship and to avoid capture the Captain ordered her escorts to finish off and sink the crippled Lexington.

The Japanese on the other hand had had enough. Fearing the loss of further landing barges and the loss of the Neosho tanker and the Shoho, the Japanese decided to turn their fleet and return back to home port. In the end Port Moresby was saved but at a cost. The United States at the time had too few Carriers available. By the time the Battle of Midway occurred a month later, it seemed that the War would sway very heavily to the Japanese as they had 6 Aircraft Carriers available and the United States had 3. At Midway 4 Japanese Carriers were sunk at the cost of 1 for the US Navy becoming an astounding victory that turned the tide of the war against the Imperial Japanese Navy.

While the victory at the Battle of Midway is important, some the Battle's success actually comes from the Battle of Coral Sea. The Japanese Codes have been broken even before the Battle of Midway and if anything, Coral Sea demonstrated that the United States enigma machines were reading everything the Japanese have been sending to each other.

Both sides did claim victory at the Battle of Coral Sea but in the long run it was more of a victory for the Allies. The United States on the other hand would lose its first Aircraft Carrier in the War in the Pacific. The Japanese was held back from conquering Port Moresby and spreading further southward. The Allies lost 69 aircraft of the 128 they had, 656 men were lost, and 3 ships were sunk. The Japanese lost 92 aircraft of the 127 they had, 966 men were lost, and 5 ships were sunk.

Coral Sea also accomplished other interesting results that affect the United States Navy today. The Battle helped serve an example of joint operations between the United States and Australian militaries. The United States and Australia are one of the few nations that have extremely close ties when it comes to military partnerships. The battle demonstrated that Aircraft Carriers were here to stay and proving to be an extremely effective weapon capable of outranging any Battleship at the time. Naval strength was now becoming measured by how many Aircraft Carriers you had instead of how many Battleships.


Trueman, (2016, August 16). The Battle of Coral Sea. Retrieved from

Pelvin, Ric. Battle of Coral Sea, 4-8 May 1942. Retrieved from

Alexander, Joseph H. (2010, Jauary 21). Trial by Fire at Coral Sea. Retrieved from



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