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Gabatrix: Relics and Story Order

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I wanted to let everyone know that Gabatrix: Relics is now being put up on Storiesonline. I also wanted to wish everyone a Happy ChristmasHanikquansica and a Happy New Year. Relics has been challenging to work on as I had two computer breakdowns that hampered the writing process. I had to get a new office laptop with an extended warranty. Everything seems to be working, though.

Set in 2351 following the events of Gabatrix: Legacy, Operation Reliquary is underway. A small task force of ships is dispatched to the fringes of enemy territory. Their goal: to seek out the Alara'jal, the titans of the Itrean race. A paleontologist participates in this dangerous mission and hopes to seek them out if any of them are still alive

I will make sure to get Relics put up on Amazon, Bookapy, and Google Play in the following weeks. The next upcoming projects will include more short stories for the Garden of New Olympia 2. Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence will also be up next, and possibly another Tales of Heroes story.

For those that are interested in the full story order of my books:
1.) Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes
2.) Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes
3.) Taweret and the Tales of Heroes
4.) Ayida-Weddo and the Tales of Heroes
5.) Gabatrix: Minerva
6.) Opet and the Tales of Heroes
7.) Gabatrix: The First Peace
8.) The Garden of New Olympia (Set around the Gabatrix series)
9.) Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer
10.) Gabatrix: The Violet Wave
11.) Gabatrix: The Silver Rain
12.) Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice
13.) Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver
14.) Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence
15.) Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign
16.) Gabatrix: Legacy
17.) Gabatrix: Relics

Or for just Gabatrix:
1.) Gabatrix: Minerva
2.) Gabatrix: The First Peace
3.) Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer
4.) Gabatrix: The Violet Wave
5.) Gabatrix: The Silver Rain
6.) Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice
7.) Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver
8.) Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence
9.) Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign
10.) Gabatrix: Legacy
11.) Gabatrix: Relics

Gabatrix: Legacy and Story Order List

Posted at

I wanted to let everyone know that Gabatrix: Legacy is being uploaded to Storiesonline. Gabatrix: Legacy is a continuation of the Gabatrix series. Fresh from after the fight at Cipra, the UHN Lifen falls into the command of Shira, Javier, and their trustworthy crew. If you haven't had a chance to read the past Gabatrix stories, then I highly recommend that you do. :)

After Legacy is Gabatrix: Relics and Garden of Olympia 2. For those that are curious to full order of all my stories then they are:

For those that are interested in the full story order of my books:
1.) Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes
2.) Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes
3.) Taweret and the Tales of Heroes
4.) Ayida-Weddo and the Tales of Heroes
5.) Gabatrix: Minerva
6.) Opet and the Tales of Heroes
7.) Gabatrix: The First Peace
8.) The Garden of New Olympia (Set around, during the Gabatrix series)
9.) Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer
10.) Gabatrix: The Violet Wave
11.) Gabatrix: The Silver Rain
12.) Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice
13.) Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver
14.) Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence
15.) Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign
16.) Gabatrix: Legacy

Or for just Gabatrix:
1.) Gabatrix: Minerva
2.) Gabatrix: The First Peace
3.) Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer
4.) Gabatrix: The Violet Wave
5.) Gabatrix: The Silver Rain
6.) Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice
7.) Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver
8.) Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence
9.) Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign
10.) Gabatrix: Legacy

Gabatrix Book Series Has a Music Theme!

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The Gabatrix Experiment: The Theme of the Gabatrix Book Adult Erotica Series is here! Come and check it out on Patreon, Ko-fi, or Youtube

Patreon Link
Youtube Link
Ko-Fi Link

Music by Antonio Aguirre and animation done by mpotemkin.

Premise of the Gabatrix series:

It is far in the future. Earth has been all but abandoned as it has been reduced to a wasteland. Humanity ventures to settle on Mars as the last bastion of hope for survival. Life is dreary and deplorable.

Yet, all is not lost. In the red sands of Mars, an ancient alien spaceship is uncovered. Only one piece of destroyed equipment is salvaged. It contains the blueprints of gate folding technology. Humanity rushes for years to reverse engineer and begin building a gate array. The ability for spaceships to leave the confines of the solar system are within everyone's grasp.

Near the mid 23rd century, a great pioneer by the name of Ciro Gabatrix, would begin conducting his experiments. Wormhole gate emitter probes can be linked up to create a hole in space. Getting from one point of space to another is almost instantaneous. When an accident proves fatal for his best friend and pilot, Gabatrix makes the great experiment in his test vehicle, himself. He must ensure that humanity can leave the solar system even it may cost him his life.

He stares at the abyss of the wormhole in front of him. There is no stopping him as he disobeys the orders of those on Mars. He must make the jump. The coordinates are set. Luna awaits.....

As of the 24th century, we live in the age established by one individual. It is the Era of Gabatrix, the era of exploration and the unknown. Humanity begins colonizing other worlds as we are no longer trapped in our solar system. Paradise worlds, places of new opportunities, and cultural civilizations may thrive once again.

However, those dreams were suddenly shattered in 2349. An alien race appears near humanity's doorstep. They call themselves, the Itreans......

The Garden of New Olympia Erotica Short Stories

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I'm happy to announce the establishment of the Garden of New Olympia short stories. The entire premise and purpose of the book is simple. Instead of a large overall story, each chapter is a mini story focusing on erotica, love, magic, and more. I have written four short stories to accompany this book each of a different variety and preferences as readers may enjoy.

I have designed The Garden of New Olympia to forever be expanded upon. If you wish to learn more about commissioning me to write additional short stories, you can contact me.

The artwork for the cover is done by Piero Painter who did a wonderful job as he always does in portraying the lush environment of New Olympia. The art piece further highlights that of similar art pieces that reminiscence the Garden of Eden.

Enjoy :)

My Patreon

Gabatrix Website

Expanding the Universe

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Hello everyone, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm in the process of slowly expanding into Bookaby. It will allow others purchase stories that you enjoy from me that are posted onto Storiesonline.





I'm also currently in the process of writing the Garden of New Olympia. Each chapter is a short story/erotica of different random encounters. This is something that every newcomer or fan can be a part of. I can be commissioned to write a chapter based strongly on the wishes of the commissioner. To learn more about it, you can read it on my website, read it on google docs, or go to Wattpad to read the commission info. The first chapter of the four stories planned is currently up. Go check it out.

Wattpad (Garden of New Olympia)

Google Docs me

In the meantime, there are many goodies coming around the corner. I'm currently working with a video game composer in creating a theme for Gabatrix. I already have the animation to go along with it, too. I think it will be something that will be really interesting and help identify the essence of the Gabatrix series as a whole. I for one would like to see where the path takes us. :)



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