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CE Savage: Blog


Nexus Evolution Book 3 - Story Excerpt

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I know Maria is one of my most popular characters so I thought you readers might enjoy this excerpt from the upcoming book. I'm working on Chapter 12 at the moment. and should be able to start releasing chapters here in September. You can always find more info and detailed updates on my kofi page: or get the sneak peek chapters on Bookapy here:


On the white satin comforter was a vision of caramel perfection. Rose-scented candles grouped about the bed painted her skin in an amber-golden glow. She was wearing one of his crisp white dress shirts and nothing else. The fine Egyptian cotton covered her slight figure to mid-thigh where the abrupt transition from white to warm mocha-colored skin drew his eyes down along long smooth tapered legs to perfectly formed feet with deep rose painted nails.

“Ahem…” Maria cleared her throat.

“Um.” was the best he could do, as now he was captured by her rich coffee-dark eyes and impossibly long lashes framed by tousled, raven-wing, hair falling in waves about her head and shoulders.

“You like?” she said shifting slightly. The tip of her tongue slipped out with feline grace and lightly caressed her naturally red, lower lip.

A slight shivering shrug uncovered a small chocolate-drop tipped breast that peeked shyly out from cover as if to say ‘Hi! Come see me,’ but Ben was still rooted in place.

“Uh Ben, this isn’t going to work unless you get closer. A lot closer.” Maria said with a slight blush.

True incidents that I've used in my stories

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By now many of you have picked up some of my references to actual events particularly in my latest story. Nexus Evolution continues in that vein. Those that have read the sneak peek story on Bookapy may be interested to know that the character Coyote is based on my uncle who is truly an old cowboy who rodeoed back in the day and is still as tough as an old boot. The reference to a sign "open 8pm till fist fight" was from a bar in Bigfork Montana where every Saturday both the cowboys and the loggers would come to town for entertainment and leave with lumps and bruises. On a serious note,I would highly recommend any serious student of military history read about the flight of the Nez Perce as they fought to escape from being imprisoned on a reservation. Looking Glass was their war chief, not Chief Joseph and he was a helluva general. They fled with women and children and fought a 1200 mile fighting retreat through two of the U S armies best cavalry regiments. They were just a few miles from sanctuary in Canada when a 3rd unit was able to catch up to them and deploy cannon. As the women and children died, the tribe made the difficult decision to surrender.This true piece of history hits hard and militarily Looking Glass's retreat is still studied as a classic example of a fighting withdrawal under fire.

In other news I'm on chapter 11 of the new story and hoping to start releasing chapters in September.


Nexus Evolution Updates - Minor Home Emergency

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Hey everyone, just wanted to check in on my progress with the third Nexus book. I've completed the first 8 chapters which puts me about 25% complete. Had an emergency issue arise when my water heater leaked and ruined my kitchen floor. I was without hot water for a few days but I finally was able to replace it. I'm a little behind my scheduled writing but still am shooting for early fall for the first chapter release to SOL. Thanks everyone for keeping my stories in mind. Ben and the girls really appreciate it as well 😊

Working on Chapter 4 of Nexus Evolution

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I finally was able to squeeze out some time today and I've nearly got chapter 4 of my 3rd book in the Nexus series done. I'm hoping to start posting chapters up in about 2 months. If you are interested I do have a sneak peek Chapter available on Bookapy here Nexus Evolution Sneak Peek Or if you are a mind to, you can view it on my Kofi page at


Progress on the 3rd Book in the Nexus series- Sneak Peek

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Hi all, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm making slow but steady process on the new book. I'm wrapping up Chapter 2 now and anticipate that there will be about 20 Chapters in this one. I'm scrambling with 2 jobs and side work trying to eke out enough time for writing. I will start posting here when I've got about half the chapters completed. For those interested I just published a short story Sneak Peek on Bookapy here: Nexus Evolution Sneak Peek. I've also got it on my Kofi site at Thanks again to everyone for your support, it's what keeps me going!



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