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CE Savage: Blog


Onto Chapter 29 of Nexus Evolution!

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I'm getting closer to my initial release on SOL ☺️ It's been difficult making time for writing after working 12to 14 hours days, but I'm making progress. I plan on starting the chapter releases when I complete chapter 30. The third book will be about 38 chapters and about 110,000 words. The next books are in the works as well, but the will be shorter and develop some of the side stories and supporting characters.

Thanks for reading and don't forget you can see additional free content and character pics on my Kofi site here: //

Good News! Chap 26 of Nexus Evolution is done!

Posted at

I was finally able to make progress this week despite yet another water issue at home (water line leak) and problems at work. I'm anticipating 33 chapters in this book so I'll start releasing chapters soon and I'm hoping that you in the SOL community will be as generous as you have been in the past as group proofreaders and editors. I now just have to come up with a cover design- which for me is always a chore. Stay tuned! And as always those of you that haven't read the Nexus series yet you can read them all at once here on Bookapy CE Savage. If you are looking for character pictures and more info about my writing you can get free content on my Kof site here: You can even buy me a coffee there if you like!

Charlie Smith

Thanks to Everyone for their support for the Nexus stories!

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I just wanted to give a shout-out to those who've chosen to support me via my Kofi page recently at: or on Bookapy

Your support is priceless, not because of the dollar amount but because of the faith you have in my writing. Every step, no matter how small, is a step to the day when I can be a full-time writer!

The Savage AKA Charlie

Nexus Book 3 Progress report

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FYI those who are waiting on Book 3 Nexus-Evolution I've been able to clear a little time on my schedule and I've completed Chapter 24. Whoohoo! I'm planning to begin releasing draft chapters here as soon as I get to Chapter 30 so hopefully it won't be too much longer!


Progress on Nexus Book 3- Evolution- Advance Copy Contest

Posted at

Hi readers, I'm still a little time-constrained with writing at the moment, but I did manage to finish Chapter 20. My real job has been on the line so it's been late hours and weekends for me. Maybe someday I'll be able to do this for my sole support, I know I'd like nothing better!

Anyhow it was a fun chapter to write because I got to reintroduce a character from the first book who is based on a real-life person that was a mentor to me in my career as a Marine. Anyone familiar with the story of Carlos Hathcock the famous Marine Corps Sniper in the Vietnam era will likely have read his name. I won't spoil it but there should be enough clues in the first Nexus book to identify him. One hint- the character is named differently but the name itself is a clue to the true identity. I'll give a free advance copy of the third book out to anyone who guesses it.

Don't forget you can get free story pics and background (and maybe buy me a coffee) on my Kofi site: Of course, you can also support my writing on Bookapy at CE Savage



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