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CE Savage: Blog


Nexus Evolution Progress and Another Teaser for You

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Hi all, I just found out my new job is once again in jeopardy. Working in tech sometimes really sucks, especially as you get older.

Anyhow I'm putting in extra hours trying to stay on so it's been slow writing on the Nexus Book 3 - Evolution front. I have nearly completed Chapter 20 so that puts me over halfway. I am planning on releasing chapters here once I get to Chapter 30.

Don't forget those of you who haven't seen it yet, you can view free character illustrations and get some more sneak peeks (and maybe buy me a coffee) on my Kofi site: Of course, you can also support my writing on Bookapy at CE Savage

Here's a teaser from Chapter 12 and a question. How does Joe keep getting out?
Joe paused. There it was again. A low keening sound. It sounded like maybe an injured animal or maybe a child or a woman. He couldn’t tell and visibility into the dark brush line along the county highway was next to nothing on this dark, nearly moonless night.

Joe had awakened inside his cozy barn knowing that something was wrong, that someone or thing needed his help. His first thought was to alert the security patrol but he was a little wary of setting those people off. They took their jobs very seriously and would undoubtedly wake everyone up. But he couldn’t ignore it either, Joe knew to listen to his feelings. This one didn’t seem to be related to any immediate danger. So he found the closest door, nudged it open (Ben didn’t even try to keep him contained anymore), and made his way down the long graveled driveway onto the quiet county road turning left towards town.

Twenty minutes later he was about 2 miles away from the ranch and felt very close to the source of the alert, but where was it?

There was a rustle in the leaves to his left just under a clump of vine maples and then a sobbing sound. Joe approached as softly as he could. It was a woman! She was scratched and bleeding everywhere.

“Joe is that you?” the woman said.

Joe nickered in response as he made his way closer. He could tell that the woman wouldn’t be able to ‘hear’ him but maybe she would understand that he understood her. What was he going to do? He didn’t have any way to help her. He could run quickly back and summon help but he sensed that this woman needed someone with her now. Her wounds were more than physical.

“Oh, Joe thank God! Can you help me get to the ranch?” said the woman.

Dana Mother Goddess of the Fae- Nexus book 3

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I just posted some new pics of my characters on My Kofi page. One of Maria and one of Dana.

The pic of Maria has some very subtle clues about her up coming role in book three. As for Dana, Her character is whispering in my ear trying to persuade me to let her seduce Ben, but I know Kelly has a problem with that!

Any how if you are curious about how I see my characters head over to and enjoy some free Nexus content.

Charlie the Savage

Introducing A New Character Excerpt - Nexus Evolution Book 3

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I sometimes include elements of horror in my stories. It's sometimes too easy to think of other beings as human- but they are not. Here's an excerpt where we encounter a new type of near-human who has no concept of pity or mercy. Enjoy, and don't forget to visit my Kofi page for free excerpts, digital art, and more info on my writing process- If you haven't read the rest of my series you can purchase them all at

“What are you smiling at sweet tits?” growled the boss.

“I am just grateful to your associates for bringing me directly to you. I was getting weary of killing your serfs to get your attention,” she replied in classic Russian.

“Let’s see how grateful you are when we are finished taking our turns with you. Be nice and we might even consider a painless death,” said the boss as he undid his tracksuit bottoms and they dropped in a puddle to the floor. Little did he know that his rather unimpressive package would remain forever undelivered.

“Bring her to me, boys.”

As the thugs on either side reached for her, Dardenys snapped her crossed arms apart far too quickly for human eyes to follow. Foot-long blades of preternaturally sharp bone had somehow replaced her index fingers on both hands. Each blade struck with such velocity that they passed through spinal columns with barely a snick. Before greeting eternity the last thing each man experienced was watching their bodies from the outside as their heads tumbled to the hardwood floor.

Bright arterial blood gushed in hot fountains from the stumps where their heads used to be as the bodies hesitated slightly then fell much like a tree crashing to the forest floor after the final axe cut. Dardenys then leaned slightly forward across the desk and reaching a long elegant arm out in a deceptively languid motion, sliced the stunned boss man from testicles to sternum nearly splitting him in half.

As he jumbled to the floor like a bag of mismatched dirty laundry, Dardenys spun in a graceful silky pirouette to confront the three remaining gang members. She needn’t have bothered. None of them had even reached for their weapons or taken a step forward. Two of them had large wet stains on the front of their tracksuits and a steaming pool of urine puddling about their feet. Their mouths hung open and the flat dull look in their eyes told her that no one was home at the moment as their feeble minds had fled from the horror.

Visual Concepts in the Nexus World

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This post is by no means a criticism of this platform, but one of the serious drawbacks is the lack of a way in this blog to show any visual concepts of my characters or the actions in my books.

I write from a highly visual perspective and I 'see' my characters when I write them. I create illustrations and sketches of almost every one. I think they add to the story nearly and 90% of my readership is on this platform.

Unfortunately, I don't have any way to show them to you. I could perhaps put them inline inside the story, but I find that to be extremely distracting.

That's why I'm posting this link to my Kofi page. You can of course contribute there, but nearly all of my content is free to view and I really hope you all will take advantage of this and give me a visit, perhaps even leave a comment and let me know what you think of my visualizations.

My last post there has a picture of Maria, I know many of you have asked about her.
So enjoy! Here's the link:

The Nexus Women Confront the Sheriff

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Thought you all might enjoy another excerpt from my work in progress. This one's from Chapter 18 of Nexus Evolution

Don't forget you can read the entire series and some short stories here on Bookapy:

Or if you'd like some inside story information or to support my writing by buying me a cup of coffee you can visit my Kofi page here:

Thanks for reading!


The Nexus women had finally had enough.

Lanie practically had to skip to keep up as they burst out of the vehicles and headed toward the front door of the old brick County Safety building. She hoped that her team got in place before things got really out of hand. Not that she gave two shits about the entire sleazy Sheriff's department but she didn’t want any collateral damage.

She’d never seen calm, level-headed Kelly so pissed off and she hoped to never again. Sarah was a wrecking ball disguised as a kitten, but she forgave quickly. Maria was an absolute sweetheart who wouldn’t hurt a fly but would take the entire world head-on if you threatened her family. Mei was the ocean- placid on the surface but you would never find the bodies. Lizzie didn’t get mad so much as she got even. But Kelly- Kelly was a momma grizzly bear with a long memory and no mercy whatsoever when she was riled.

They flung the double doors open and strode nearly in line to the duty counter with Lanie trailing slightly behind. She quietly shifted off to one side for a better viewpoint. She was a little terrified of what was about to happen but she wasn’t going to miss a second of it.

The female deputy behind the desk opened her mouth to say something then saw the looks on five faces. She turned white, gulped once, and fled to the back to fetch her boss.

A few seconds later a smug Sheriff Strickland sauntered out into the lobby accompanied by two deputies and Lennie.

“So what can I do for you girls this morning?” Strickland smirked.

“We’re here to get Ben Clarkson. You have one chance to bring him out immediately,” said Kelly struggling for composure.

“What she said Gnomeo. You have completed the “Fuck Around” phase of the program and are about to enter the “Find Out” zone,” added Sarah with an evil grin.

The others were quiet but Mei was fingering her ring and Lizzie held a small tablet at the ready.

The Sheriff snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute, I’ve been trying to remember where I know you from,” he said looking directly at Kelly. “Yeah, I remember now it was a few years ago. You were trying to pin your slutty behavior on the Senator's son! Wow doesn’t look like you’ve changed much.”

For a moment the world stood still and the air inside the building felt thick and somehow blue. Then a glow sprang up around Sarah’s neck where her tiger's claw pendant hung. It got so bright that for an instant it was impossible to look at directly.

“You shouldn’t augh’ta said that idiot boy, you might have had a chance at mercy,” said Maria into the sudden silence.

There was a snapping roar as air was slapped rudely out of the way to make room for a twelve-foot-tall Bengal tiger where Sarah had stood moments before. The beast let out a roar that rattled every window in the 3 story building and sprayed hot spittle across the Sheriff and his entourage.

Two of them fainted dead away and the sheriff wobbled backward on legs suddenly made of ramen noodles as steaming hot piss streamed down his leg. Lennie was just too stupid to understand what he was seeing and stood there with a wondering expression and a pint of feline spit on his face.

Lanie could see massive muscles bunch in the impossibly sized form in preparation for a leap when Kelly held up her hand- restraining the giant cat.

“ Aw dammit, Kels you spoil all my good times. C’mon. Let me shred ‘em into little bite-sized bits. It will be so much fun!” said the tiger in a low rumbly growling voice that somehow sounded like Sarah but vibrated like thundering earth.



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