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CE Savage: Blog


Meet Dardenys, Beautiful but deadly

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Dardenys is my latest mysterious character in the Nexus Universe. I just posted a pic of her on my Kofi page. You can view it and one of Daisy riding Joe here:


Just posted Chapter 2 of Nexus - Evolution

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I introduced a mysterious new character in this one and we see an elf's temper get bent out of shape. BTW I'll be posting some new character pics up on my Kofi site later today it you'd like to see how I visualize my people. It's free content but you can buy me a coffee there if you'd like //

Hope everyone is enjoying the start of book 3 Nexus Evolution

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Thanks, everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed the interaction between Coyote/Loki, Daisy, and Donna. Many cultural anthropologists and ethnologists have noted the trickster Coyote character across different peoples and regions of the world, but he's an especially big part of Native and Norse traditions, You aren't seeing much of his Norse manifestation in Book 3 but stay tuned. He promised me he would stay true to fighting for the Light in my books, but I will keep an eye on him anyhow. His character and appearance are a tribute to the old cowboys I grew up with in Montana. Hats off to a dying breed of some of the toughest, hardest-working humans on the planet.

Cheers, everyone see you all on Friday for the next chapter!


Nexus Evolution - Just Posted!

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Merry Christmas to my fantastic reader1 I hope you all will enjoy Book 3 in the series. I'll post 1 chapter a week probably on Fridays. If you haven't please read the Nexus Foundation and Nexus Rising first. The first two books are on sale on Bookapy now, Book 3 will be there in a few weeks. There are also some short stories as well CE Savage. If you'd like more in-depth content and illustrations you can visit my kofi page- // for free content or even buy me a coffee if you like :-)

Merry Christmas - Nexis Evolution Book 3 is ready for release!

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I'm down to the last 3 chapters so I'm going to release it later today. It won't be ready on Bookapy for a few more weeks as I've still got to create the cover art and do some edits. For those not familiar with the Nexus series the books can be read separately but there will be a lot of references that you will miss- It's better to read them all in order. Books One (Nexus Foundation) and Two (Nexus Rising) are also available on Bookapy here: CE Savage. if you'd like to read them all at once, or would just like to help support my work.



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