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CE Savage: Blog


Releasing Nexus Evolution Book 3 Tomorrow!

Posted at

I just finished the EPub and PDF versions for upload to Bookapy. So all is set. I'll of course continue the chapter by chapter releases here as well. I hope you all will enjoy reading the story as a whole. Also I'm adding a Ko-Fi blog post and picture of one of my new characters- Sigrun. As the name suggests she's a Valkyrie, but much more than that! You can learn more and support my writing at (https:)//

Nexus Evolution is almost ready and Content is available

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Hi readers, FYI-I just finished up the editing and am polishing the epub file up for the release. Everything will be ready by this Friday. I'll add another chapter and drop the finished book at CE Savage on Bookapy the same day. For those of you who are interested I've just posted a pic and character study of Eir on my Ko-fi page for supporters and added a free blog post for those interested in more of Maria's backstory. Those are available at (https:)// Stay on the lookout for even more content as I get closer to the drop date for the book!


Posted Chapter 8 of Nexus Evolution

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This should be up shortly. In this chapter Maria meets her goddess and it should be interesting as I bring in another set of cultural references that will hopefully be interesting and entertaining. FYI, I'll be posting some some additional free images as well as some subscriber only content on my ko-fi page today as well ( don't forget to add the ' https:') //

Almost Done Editing! Completed the Cover for Nexus Evolution

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This is a shout-out to those of you who have supported my writing and those of you who are waiting to purchase the complete book on CE Savage on Bookapy. I wrapped up a major milestone today by finishing the cover art for the ebook. I do my own graphics and I'm not a very good client :-) Final edits are going to be wrapped up today and then I'll need to convert everything to the different formats. I'm hoping for release next Friday. In the meantime, supporters of mine on Ko-Fi can get a preview of the cover. If you aren't a supporter that's okay too, you can view tons of free content on there as well. Here's the page (don't forget to add the 'https:') //


Nexus Evolution Chap. 7 is now posted!

Posted at

Chap 7 is now in the queue and should be available soon. I hope you enjoy this one as it's about Maria and Bens wedding night which is also her first time. For anyone interested. I have some visualizations of Maria in the free section of my Ko-Fi page and I've also added some just for my silver subscribers. You can as always view them here ( don't forget to add the 'https:') //



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