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CE Savage: Blog


Progress on Book3 - Nexus Evolution and a sneak preview

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This one will introduce some new characters. Not sure of their roles just yet but I'm already in love with their characters. Donna is a young widow of Nez Perce descent and Daisy is her precocious daughter Daisy. Here's an excerpt from the first chapter:
"“What do you fuckwits want?” she snarled as the 3 brothers formed a loose arc in front of her silhouetted by the lights of her car She flung her raven wing hair back as she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin in defiance. She wasn’t going to let them see her fear or her tears no matter what they did to her. She knew they fed on the terror of others and she wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.

“You know what you did Darlin’ and you know what we are going to do to you,” said Jonah in a low growl through his thick dark beard as he grabbed the crotch of his greasy jeans.

“Who knows maybe if you are really good we’ll let you live for a while after. Mebbe even long enough that we can have seconds?” said Jebediah with a twitch of his fat liver-colored lips.

“Ssssorry about this Donna, but you know we have ta do this. You shouldn’t oughta hurt pappa like that,” stuttered Saul apologetically.

Maybe a hay hook to the nutsack had been a tad bit of an overreaction thought Daisy, but the old pervert had laid hands on Daisy and no matter that practically the whole family had been abusing Donna for months, no one messed with her daughter while she still drew breath. The 18 inch long steel shaft with the wicked hook on its end hadn’t quite gutted the old man but it was unlikely that he’d be feeling frisky ever again."

Nexus Rising Chapter 33 posted

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I call this one "The Battle of the Bridge". If this chapter doesn't get your heart racing, then I don't know what will 😊. Those of you that have ridden a cow horse or a barrel racer should recognize the prose. I once road the real Montana Joe who was a champion cutting horse. It was a once in a lifetime experience! Enjoy!

Nexus Evolution - Chapter 1 introduces a new deity

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Actually he makes an off screen cameo in the first book, but now we'll get to know him in both his Native American and his Norse personas. Any guesses to who it is?

Latest Nexus chapter 32 is posted.

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The girls nearly become Hellhound kibble in this one! Kelly and Mei have a secret but per usual Ben couldn't buy a clue.😁 Enjoy the read and as always if you can't stand the suspense the completed chapters are all on Bookapy at Nexus Rising

Survey results and a huge thanks to you all.

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I finally had a chance to tabulate all the responses. I got an amazing total of 60 responses. The average age was 62 and from all parts of the US and 5 different countries (UK, Switzerland, Canada, Australia and China). Interestingly almost 1/3 of respondentsstated they were former military. I'm sure even more just never mentioned it.

The youngest respondent was 30 and the oldest was 83. I was someone surprised that there wasn't a single woman in the bunch. I don't know, maybe there's just not many women that read storiesonline or maybe my stories just don't appeal to them.

Finally, so many of you added kind words and support it really made me wish that I could buy you each a beer or two. That's not practical so instead, I promise to put my utmost effort into my stories on your behalf.

I'm back to the third Nexus story- 'Nexus Evolution'. I've started writing the 1st chapter and as soon as I post the last chapter of Nexus Rising I'll add it.

Cheers, and Semper Fi to you all.



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