Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

CE Savage: Blog


Thanks for your support everyone! Don't forget to Vote!

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Wow, I can't even believe the support I got from all of you amazing readers out there when I posted about my sudden job loss. It's going to take me a while to respond to everyone, but I will! It really helps to keep my spirits up to hear from so many of you who read my stories. If you get a chance, don't forget to vote in the Clitorides awards, if not for me then for some of the other amazing authors and stories out there!


Posted Ch 28 Nexus Rising- Don't Forget your Clitorides Vote

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Thanks so much to those of you that posted in response to my personal issue, it really helps! I posted the latest chapter up just now and noticed that I made the final cut for a couple of categories in the Clitorides awards! I'm very honored and this put a ray of sunshine through the gloom for me! Please vote either for me or my stories or for any other of the wonderful writers who put some much work into this community!

I'm having some personal issues- sorry for the delay in posting

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Last week I was invited to a zoom meeting with my boss. His first words were "Today is your last day". There was no notice and no inkling that my job was being outsourced. As a developer, I have access to all the company's systems so I sorta understand why they didn't want to give me notice but it was kind of brutal because we were signing on our dream house the following day. It was 3 wooded acres in the country with 400 feet of riverfront. Anyhow, we had to back out of the deal and eat the costs that we had already incurred. I lost my job and my lifelong dream in the same instant. Now I'm faced with trying to find a job in tech at 63 along with 250,000 others who've been laid off in my industry. Sorry for the drawn out story but I want my good readers to understand why editing and posting to Nexus Rising are taking a back seat for the moment. I'm going to be scrambling trying to find work before we lose this house. Unfortunately, I'm not anywhere even close to making any money from my writing, so I'm going to have to find something very soon. Good thoughts are much appreciated from everyone who reads this.

Nexus Rising Chapter 27 just posted

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I hope you all enjoy the latest! Please don't forget that you can support my writing efforts by purchasing the entire book on Bookapy here Nexus Rising or by subscribing or buying me a coffee at Thanks so much for reading!

Nexus Evolution- Asking for input

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I've managed to carve out a little time to write the next book but first I'm doing some outlining.It looks like I have enough for at least three more books! Anyhow, please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see more of for the next book, or if you have a favorite character! Maria has been a surprise to me as she gets alot of comments, but please tell me if there are others. The goddess Dana and the Valkyries will def make an appearance or two. But I've yet to define the dark gods.

I'm also considering holding a drawing for allowing you the reader to name a character. Let me know if this sound fun!

Thanks for reading!



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