Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
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CE Savage: Blog


Nexus Evolution Preview and additional content now available

Posted at

I'm not exactly sure how to go about this but I want to let anyone interested in the Nexus series know that I have some additional Nexus content available on my Kofi site. I hope this isn't breaking any rules. There's some illustration , some short stories and even a preview chapter. You can find the link to my Kofi page in my profile.


Thanks so much for the nominations!

Posted at

Thank you to all of you kind souls who have nominated me for a Clitorides award. Looks like I have been nominated under a few different categories, including Best New Author. Nexus Foundation is the story that's eligible. If I get enough nomination, I or one of my stories will make the finals for voting. It' very exciting and much appreciated!

Nexus Rising Chapter 22 Posted!

Posted at

Just posted the latest chapter. Hope you enjoy the action in this one! I introduce some new characters and we get some insights into others. Thanks everyone for reading and the great feedback! If you are getting impatient don't forget that you can purchase the complete book on Bookapy for $5.99 I also have added a Collection in Bookapy that has both books and the preview Nexus short story for only $6.99 CE Savage Books


Valentine Ghost story coming

Posted at

I'm taking a brief break from Nexus to work on a short ghost story just for fun. I'll still be releasing a Nexus Rising chapter every Friday though. Don't forget that the completed Nexus story is now available on Bookapy!


Easter egg within the Easter egg- Nexus Book 3 preview

Posted at

For those of you that participated in my Easter egg hunt a few weeks ago, you probably didn't realize it, but the contest reward short story "A Favor Owed" that I sent you, was actually a preview of a sub story line in the upcoming book 3 "Nexus Evolution" which I'm working on now. This story line originated in a single reference in book 1- "Nexus Foundation". I'll send out some more exclusive content as a reward for anyone who can find the reference from Nexus Foundation that links to the short story. Here's a hint- it's in Chapter 14 and it has to do with Mei. If you haven't read the short story yet it's available on Bookapy here: Nexus- A Favor Owed. As always thanks everyone for your continued support!



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