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Just a quick note to say that the expected uptick in work for me in September started in late August, in fact shortly after my previous bog post. I might not get to much of anything other than work for at least another few days.
Work has slowed, so I've been able to take some comp time due and gotten a lot of writing done. Chapter 118 will post tonight, and Chapter 119 will post on the 30th. I decided to do it that way as, looking ahead, work may get hectic again in September and I wanted to have something recently added if I got behind in writing in the first week or so of the month. Thanks to Beth's readers, particularly to those readers messaging me of late. Some of those comments have been both much appreciated and helpful.
One reader asked how many chapters were yet to come in Beth. Since others may like to know such, I told the writer that story time would cover the next premier-team season in its entirety, so story time will continue at least nearly through August 2018.
A lot of important stuff happens in this chapter, so I've been a while writing it. As I often do, I allow ideas that come to me during writing free rein to see where they go. On 116, I wound up making two very long excursions that I ultimately decided not to use. One or both might eventually wind up in Beth Outtakes. Be prepared, as this chapter is a shade over 19K words, and should be published sometime tonight (or tomorrow morning if you're on the other side of the world).
I ran into a bit of a problem with this chapter. Had Beth actually been writing it, it's a problem she would not have had. I was cruising along, getting nearly to the end when my brain finally put a couple things together and slapped the big red "Emergency" button. Even though I KNEW Celeste was leaving for Indiana on Friday morning, the year's last day of school for the Go6, I still managed to include her in the whole chapter. So, I had to go back through and re-write much of it, hence the slight delay relative to my most-recent plan in getting the chapter queued.
Happy various holidays to all! Of course, that's holidays in Beth time, so....
As I'd written earlier, a lot of lines of the story are developing, hence the longer chapters of late. This situation will continue for well into the New Year for Beth and the... various gangs. Fortunately, two things have come together for me, the first being a relatively light workload at work, the second being a surprising number of highly efficient evenings of writing.
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