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I've gotten a lot of writing done of late and have the next three chapters uploaded. Chapter 138 will post tonight; the others will follow at intervals of four days. I hope to get a lot more writing done before the time of various celebrations of various religions' holy days of the season, as I find it easy to imagine that my writing time will decline in abundance for at least some of that period.
Should I not find another chance, I wish all the best of the season.
I was obviously in la-la land when I posted Chapter 9, as I had meant to include more from 20 Jan '18. I've added that and posted it to the queue.
Fortunately, work of late hasn't been particularly hectic, so I'm getting writing time. Unfortunately, this chapter is proving to be even longer -- and a bit more complex -- than I'd expected, as a bunch of critical bits occur in it. Thus, it's taking more time to write it and ensure that I get everything right. I could see it being another four days finishing it but will hope for two. We'll see.
Thanks to an inveterate reader pointing out some glaring, but accidental replacements of "Charlize" with "Celeste," I've made corrections to this chapter and put it in the queue for re-publication. Apparently, I've got just too many character names beginning with 'C' to keep solid track of them. {eyeroll}
The next chapter will be available the night of Oct 3, at least for those in the western hemisphere. My work schedule is looking fairly benign, but that is, of course, subject to change with little notice. However, writing is going well, so I should get the next few chapters out at roughly four-day intervals.
My thoughts go out to those suffering through Ian's devastation, and I wish you the best.
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