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I noticed today that 'Thomas Grey' just breezed past 'Ellen' in terms of accumulated download events. A little over two months versus 12 years, 18 chapters to 45 chapters of 'Ellen'. Back then I was happy to record 2,000 downloads for each newly posted chapter, these days it's a little over 10,000. Some of those downloads are certainly due to "repeat offenders", but the fact remains that SOL has at least quadrupled its reader base over that last 12 years, testament to the site's peerless functionality and the stellar efforts of many fellow writers. It feels good to be part of this community.
I am also slightly amazed over the reports that came to light regarding the despiccable behaviour of some key players in the entertainment industry. When I wrote 'In Her Genes' four to five years ago, I thought that my portrayal of Don Brentano was over the top. Turns out, it wasn't. The way I portrayed him, he was just your average slimebag.
In other news, Old Rotorhead just returned chapters 31 to 33 of Thomas Grey to me after editing, meaning I have material for another 7-8 weeks. Chapter 34 is an advanced draft, but I still need to draft at least four to five chapters. That's why I'm stopping my rant now. Time to combine desk chair and butt for another round of creativity :o)
I just posted Chapter 12 of Thomas Grey. Thanks for your kind feedback and support! Enjoy!
Following the strong hints I got from readers, I am posting an extra chapter of Thomas Grey for your Christmas enjoyment! As advertised, with Chapter 10 posted, voting is now enabled and you can score the story to your heart's content.
… is in the posting queue and will be out today. Thanks to all the readers who dropped me a line with hints, ideas or simply a thank-you note. I appreciate the feedback.
People have asked me about scoring. Two readers apparently even managed to sneak in their scores as I can see on my stats sheet. (I must have two serious hackers among my readers :o)) Anyway, scoring will be activated when Chapter 10 hits the Updated Serials page. I hope that by then, with about one quarter posted, people will have a good understanding of the story and can give it a fair assessment.
Well, that's all for today. Chapter 9 will be posted on Christmas Eve.
… to continue The Return of Thomas Grey. So far, the responses have been numerous and positive, and I thank all the readers who took a few minutes to give me their thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Enjoy!
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