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Alured de Valer: Blog


The first word in Coming of Age is ...

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Chapter 25 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary gets taught a valuable lesson, gets interrogated and breaks the bad news to Kacie. Then the whole cabana crew comes online, much to Arlene's delight.

I must say I was shocked (but pleasantly so) to wake up this morning and find my little story sitting at No. 1 on the list of Top 50 Ongoing Serials, by Weekly Downloads. I'm sure this is just a temporary situation as Grey Wolf has already posted the next chapter of Variation on a Theme, which has topped that particular list since I started my little tale. I wouldn't be surprised to be the one to put him back in front when I read it. Steve and Angie really make a cute couple, even if the do resist the temptation to boink each other's brains out.

Meanwhile, BSE is nearly to 97,000 downloads and the score has rebounded nicely from its little dip. I can't believe my little story is about to hit 100,000 downloads! I thought 50,000 was an achievement.

Getting to know all about you

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Chapter 24 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary takes Arlene for a ride in his new car. Arlene makes discoveries and reveals some of her past.

I was surprised at how talky this chapter became. I never felt that writing dialog was a strength, but the characters just kind of took over in this one.

Things start picking up after this chapter. I'm pretty much done with Chapter 35 and finally worked my way through a major sticking point that was keeping me from connecting bits of the story. I think it flows rather well now, or at least makes some kind of sense.

Readership remains strong, surpassing 91,000 downloads. The score has slipped a little, but still remains higher than a week ago. again, thanks for reading.

Forgot to add: Internet service has resumed. I should be able to avoid any disruptions.

Well, hell

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My apartment building is suffering a cable outing today, so no TV or Internet until the provider fixes things. Right now, my only Internet access is my phone. It may be a while before I can post more chapters. Please bear with me.

Return of Cabana Boy

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Chapter 23 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary starts his new job, Kacie feels objectified and Mom punishes Dad a little more. Oh yeah, Arlene asks Gary to take her for a ride.

The download count was already over 87,000 when I checked in this morning. Can't complain there. The score has slipped a little, but I think I know why. Just keep tuning in to see what happens next.

I'm now about 10 chapters ahead, though real-life events have slowed the writing the last couple of days. I find it somewhat amusing that some of the suggestions made were part of the rough outline before I ever started writing chapters. We'll just have to see if and when they fit into the story as it develops.

Moving right along

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Chapter 22 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary brings his new baby home. Dad gets busted. Jed does some recruiting. Busy enough for a Tuesday.

Believe me, there is more sex coming, and more characters will be involved. Please bear with me. It's just 11 days into the story. Pieces are still being put in place.

The story continues to perform well, sitting at about 81,500 downloads this morning. The score has held steady after its recent surge and its holding its place on the weekly lists. Thank you for reading.



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