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Chapter 11 of Best Summer Ever is up as we begin a new week. I'm looking forward to to seeing what we can get done over the next seven days. Gary and Kacie finally get around to trying new things, some big news for Kacie, Morgan makes a cameo, Gary gets lectured by Mom, it's Dad's turn to cook and there's more of the Great Pineapple Caper.
No real surprises, just a few little flourishes that added themselves to the story. I basically outlined Point A and Point B, then let the characters figure out how to get from here to there without being too contrived. This chapter covered a couple of those plot points that have been piling up.
I continue to be amazed by the story's performance on the lists. It's averaged almost 4,000 downloads per day. I just hope I can keep readers interested. The scoring also has me intrigued. It took a couple of days to get started, steadily crept up to a high of 7.66, dropped to 7.49 and is back to 7.54. That's a consistent good-to-very-good rating, which is a bit of an ego boost.
Chapter 10 of Best Summer Ever has been posted and we're slowly, inexorably getting into the story as I envisioned it. We finally meet one of Gary's friends, but there are still a lot of major characters who haven't taken the stage yet.
I'm trying to keep thing as balanced as I can where Gary's relationships with Kacie and Morgan are concerned, but Kacie has the advantage of living under the same roof.
There are still a lot of questions to deal with. Will Gary be driving the girls around in his mom's minivan all summer? Will any of the other girls make a serious play? How long before someone gets busted by their parents? And was the pineapple juice fresh or canned?
Chapter 9 of Best Summer Ever is up. For once, a chapter went pretty much as I originally planned. No surprises or dark secrets exposed, although I am intrigued by the idea of Ruby's granddaughter visiting a cabana at the pool.
Again, thanks to all who have been reading, voting and reaching out. I've received a lot of encouraging words in just my first week of doing this. I hope I can maintain the pace of a chapter a day.
Chapter 8 of Best Summer Ever is up for your reading enjoyment. Again, the reader response has been amazing with more than 16,000 downloads since Monday. I can't thank you enough.
The evolution of this story continues to surprise me. I had no idea Holly Moseley even existed until Kacie said the name. Makes me wonder what other secrets Gary has lurking in his past. I think he dodged a bullet there.
Things are moving along a bit quicker than I expected. Chapter 9 is in the can and 10 is under way, but I'm scheduled for my second COVID vaccine today. Who knows if there will be any side effects, but don't be surprised if I fail to check in over the weekend.
I'm going back through the first nine chapters and finding little things to fix, a typo here, a comma error there. I'll repost everything probably later today or Saturday, but there won't be any changes to the story. If you've read it already, you won't have any catching up to do.
Chapter 7 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Sounds like an eventful day for our hero. Hopefully, he'll learn to leave the onions off his sandwiches.
And a big thanks to everyone who's checked out the story so far. More than 11,000 downloads in three days is amazing. I'm thrilled to already be in the top 10 of the ongoing serials list. It does my ego good to see that.
As always, feedback is appreciated. Feel free to tell me what you like or don't like about the story.
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