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AL-Canadian: Blog


When to Post Book2 Chapters?

Posted at

I'm soliciting advice from you readers of my 'Before the Energists' story. I have a couple chapters of Book 2 done and out with my editors, and I'm wondering if I should post a chapter when I get it back from them or hold off submitting chapters to SOL until I have a few more 'in reserve'. Any comments/ideas on this?

I'm asking this as I sometimes get antsy or annoyed at writers who submit chapters on a 'willy-nilly' bases, which makes it tough to maintain a good grasp of their story. This is especially true if the story has rich detail and good story lines. Just don't want my story to be looked at through those kind of eyes.

Thanks - Mike (AL-Canadian)

Redone the Preface to Before the Energists

Posted at

I've made use of some of your comments about providing too much information in the preface to this 1st book in the Energists series. I've redone it, removing a good bit of information about the later books in this series. Hopefully, some suspense or mystery about what will happen in the future adds to your enjoyment.

I've also have 2 chapters done, not edited or rewritten, on the 2nd book - Encountering the Energists. I hope I'm able to tie up any dangling ends from the 1st book. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing about my experiences with 'Kaleigh'.

Retitled - Correctly Titled this Story

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I retitled or more aptly corrected the title of the first book in the Energists story series. I had the title listed in each chapter "Before the Energists", so I figured it would be good to rename it before the 2nd book starts.

I have the 1st book done (31 chapters), and have a decent start on the 2nd book, "Encountering the Energists". It definitely is a smaller work than the 1st book.

Correct Ch. 22 and 23 posted

Posted at

Thanks to a couple folks who pointed out the 'obviously' missing chapter from my story. I've submitted the correct chapter 22 and 'relabeled' chapter 23. A thousand apologies for that mix-up.


PS - have a tissue when you read chapter 22. Also, there is a good bit of 'preaching' in it as this is what happens at a typical Baptist funeral.

apologies - wrong chapter posted

Posted at

Sorry folks but I sent the wrong chapter into SOL on 11-1-13. When I get to my main computer, I'll resubmit the correct 'chapter 22'. What is there now is really chapter 23. Dang it!



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