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AL-Canadian: Blog


Book 3: After the Energists is Completed!

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Hello folks - I have finally gotten around to finishing the 3rd book: After the Energists. There are 60 chapters to it and I hope it does a good job of setting up the 4th Book: The Energists' Naked-In-School Program.

The 4th Book won't be a typical NIS type story as it will span a few months and hopefully will complete the story from the end of Book 1.

I will try to submit one or two chapters per week, and then when available for Book 4. Thanks for your patience and all the comments I've gotten on my writings. AL-Canadian

Hope to be more scheduled in posting

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Hey folks - this spring semester has been a .itch to say the least. I have several chapters finished (48) and will endeavor to get the final edits done on them to submit them to SOL on a more set timeline.

Chapter 43 was just submitted, and I'm going to finish 44 before I start writing things in chapter 49.


A New Semester - Time to get with it!

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After taking some time to relax and enjoy the holidays, I'll be getting back to working on 'The Energists' stories. I've got several chapters ready to submit and a few more that need a final edit. Hopefully, I'll be able to stay ahead of things and can submit one chapter a week for you readers.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that your New Year's gotten off to a better start than my Crimson Tide football team - Go Ducks!

An Energist Happy Thanksgiving (in the States)

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Hey folks - I submitted the next chapter for your reading pleasure (hopefully). It will be Monday or Tuesday of next week before another is submitted. Heading out of Dodge for the weekend.

Have a Great Turkey Day (in the States) and Roll Tide! (on Saturday).

Several Chapters Finished - Only need final edits

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Hey folks - I've got several chapters back from my editors and I've just got to get them finished up. Hopefully, I'll have at least one chapter per week ready for you, as making the final "Edits" is my least fun task in the writing process. Also, it is 'advising' time at the university, which has put a damper on my uninterrupted free time for making those simple edits.

Thanks for reading my story and for sending your comments. They provide a nice boost when things are going slow on the writing front.

Mike - AL-Canadian



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