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AL-Canadian: Blog


Repost and New Chapter Submitted

Posted at

I foolishly tried to redo a chapter without running by my editors. Therefore, I just re-posted chapter 32 of the The Energists. I hope this redone version is more polished and a better read.

I also sent in Chapter 33. Hopefully there won't be near the writing errors in that three times edited chapter.


Sorry for the Delay

Posted at

Hey folks - sorry for the delay in posting. I've gotten into a major writing mode, and neglected my 'editing' and 'correction' duties. Hopefully, I'll have chapter 29 ready by Friday.

Keep the Comments/Suggestions Coming

Posted at

Hey folks - With school back in session, I hope to be able to get to things a tad quicker (no promises). I've enjoyed the questions/comments and have tried to incorporate them when possible.

First, some of you have said the "sex" is a little much and that you'd rather get back to the 'story'. Hopefully, I'll be doing that in the near future.

Second, expect the 'real time' of the story to pick up a bit (skipping days or maybe a week or two). I felt it necessary to go into a good bit of detail (2-3 chapters per STORY DAY) at the beginning because a ton or tonne of things were happening, which will be key to future developments.

Third, the NIS aspect is STILL a good ways off, both in this story and in 'real time'. Story wise, it will be mid- to end-October into the new year. Real time wise, I can't image getting to that point in writing it until late this year or early into 2015.

This story has taken off in a few different directions than I anticipated when I envisioned it BUT I am enjoying these new off-shoots.

Again, keep the questions, concerns, comments coming. I'll do my best to reply to them in a timely fashion and also provide a rational, when needed, for why I'm writing/doing things as I'm working on this story.

Have a great September (school year, if you are there) and late summer (100 degrees on Sept. 1st - got to love Alabama!)


Next Chapter finally ready

Posted at

Hey folks - I've finally got the next chapter ready to submit (actually have about 3.5 new chapters done but not submission ready yet). It might be in your benefit to reread Chapter 18 to reset the scene between Lynette and Mike.

Comments, suggestions are always welcome.


Last Chapter for a couple of Weeks

Posted at

Hey folks - I'm submitting the last chapter I have ready. It will be late June or early July before I can get back to writing on this story.

I've enjoyed this writing process and have several story lines brewing. Your comments/suggestions are always helpful too and much appreciated.

Have a good, safe June and July.




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