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AL-Canadian: Blog


Last Chapter of Book 2 submitted

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Just turned in the concluding chapter of Book 2. I hope you enjoyed this part of the story and how I tried to set up both the next book. It was fun writing this book, although what I planned for this part of the story and what was actually written are worlds apart (kinda like the Energists' universe and our own one).

I hope if I either 'turned you off or semi did' that you'll give the STORY another chance. I try my best to answer/reply to all comments and as I said in the story, if all we can do is agree to disagree, then at least we had some civil discourse.

Til Book 3 is ready.

Mike (AL-Canadian)

Interesting Comments about chapter 4-5

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I figured there would be some interesting and strong comments from readers regarding what I included in chapter 4 and 5. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading them and I think I've responded to everyone as well.

With regards to 'spiritual' issues, I wonder why some writers can say or include in their stories that they 'don't believe in God' or blame Him for everything, and detail the reasons for it AND they usually can get away with it without too much of an argument from others. However, when I included my belief in God and some of the reasons/evidence for Him, folks tend to get very upset or take out their feelings by voting the story quality down.

I half way knew this would be the case but all I ask is for you to relate or share your thoughts to me and I'll respectfully reply back and then simply VOTE for the story based on the merits of the writing, and story line - not on your personal convictions or beliefs. I guess I see civil discussion as one thing and the overall merits of the story/writing etc. as another.

FYI - there is a little bit of 'spiritual' stuff in chapter 6 but not nearly the amount from earlier. I hope you continue to give this story a chance.


Book 2 is finished. I've redone this previous Blog post

Posted at Updated:

I hope everyone out in the SOL world had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year experience. Thanks to all the readers here who have helped keep the creative thoughts flowing within me and other writers here.

I have the final 3 chapters of Book 2 finished and will post chapter 5 shortly with 6 and 7 to follow soon after I make the final edits to them. What follows below is a redone post from before Christmas which updates some things for you.

Within Book 2, I've purposely stepped away from the romance between Mike and Kaleigh. While I've tried to incorporate a good many suggestions into this story, there really is no good way to keep their romance going after Mike was claimed by the Energists to help them with their transitional journey. I think there can only be so many 'return trips' back to Kaleigh that can feasibly work within this story line.

Another area, which I have received a mixed bag of comments on is the increased 'educational' or technical focus in this 2nd Book. That was by design as I hoped to challenge you with a few issues such as, what would all the requirements or involvement be while moving from a pure knowledge/energy type being to a physical, material based being. We have parents/teachers/coaches to help us with our first interactions with the environment but the Energists will be on their own once the transition happens. How can I help them overcome this disadvantage?

We take a lot of things for granted like our vision. In my Adapted PE class, which deals with how disabled people become 'handi-capable', I have my students do a combined "blind and Cerebral Palsy" type walk across campus. It is amazing to see highly skilled students and athletes suddenly become meek, timid and almost helpless. This college experience seems like the best example of how a new species would appear as a first time physical being.

Watching my students appear like they have never been in our kinesiology building before while blindfolded, with a walking cane is priceless. They forget where the lounge chairs are in the front of the building or where the appropriate exit is located to shorten their 'handicapped' walk.

The Energists would be the truest of novices as everything is new in their world. That to me would be beyond traumatic, like losing our eyesight or the ability to control our limbs. For this reason, I've focused more on that educational transition than on romance in Book 2.

Lastly, in the upcoming chapters, I get somewhat into a spiritual mode of writing. As you can tell, I'm going to be coming from this from my Christian belief. However, I hope to lay out 'scientific' evidence for my beliefs, which the Energists will have to deal with prior to their transition to their new world. As I've told my students; intellectual wellness must entail having an open mind to new ideas and viewpoints. Similarly, spiritual wellness is more than "religions or religious" beliefs. I hope if/when you read these upcoming chapters, you'll be sparked like the Energists were to dig further into the issues I've raised.

Book 3 and 4 will once again turn back to the more traditional stories here on SOL. Book 3 will be the "do-over" aspect of Mike's teen life with several 'gifts' from the Energists for his service to them. Book 4 will put my twist on the 'NIS' program during Mike's return to his teen years.

Again - Your comments are always appreciated - good, bad or indifferent as long as they're civil.


Merry Christmas from the Energists

Posted at Updated:

I hope everyone out in the SOL world had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year experience. Thanks to all the readers here who have helped keep the creative thoughts flowing within me and other writers here.

Within Book 2, I've purposely stepped away from the romance between Mike and Kaleigh. While I've tried to incorporate a good many suggestions into this story, there really is no good way to keep their romance going after Mike was claimed by the Energists to help them with their transitional journey. I think there can only be so many 'return trips' back to Kaleigh that can feasibly work within this story line.

Another area, which I have received a mixed bag of comments on is the increased 'educational' or technical focus in this 2nd Book. That was by design as I hoped to challenge you with a few issues such as, what would all the requirements or involvement be while moving from a pure knowledge/energy type being to a physical, material based being. We have parents/teachers/coaches to help us with our first interactions with the environment but the Energists will be on their own once the transition happens. How can I help them overcome this disadvantage?

We take a lot of things for granted like our vision. In my Adapted PE class, which deals with how disabled people become 'handi-capable', I have my students do a combined "blind and Cerebral Palsy" type walk across campus. It is amazing to see highly skilled students and athletes suddenly become meek, timid and almost helpless. This college experience seems like the best example of how a new species would appear as a first time physical being.

Watching my students appear like they have never been in our kinesiology building before while blindfolded, with a walking cane is priceless. They forget where the lounge chairs are in the front of the building or where the appropriate exit is located to shorten their 'handicapped' walk.

The Energists would be the truest of novices as everything is new in their world. That to me would be beyond traumatic, like losing our eyesight or the ability to control our limbs. For this reason, I've focused more on that educational transition than on romance in Book 2.

Lastly, in the upcoming chapters, I get somewhat into a spiritual mode of writing. As you can tell, I'm going to be coming from this from my Christian belief. However, I hope to lay out 'scientific' evidence for my beliefs, which the Energists will have to deal with prior to their transition to their new world. As I've told my students; intellectual wellness must entail having an open mind to new ideas and viewpoints. Similarly, spiritual wellness is more than "religions or religious" beliefs. I hope if/when you read these upcoming chapters, you'll be sparked like the Energists were to dig further into the issues I've raised.

Book 3 and 4 will once again turn back to the more traditional stories here on SOL. Book 3 will be the "do-over" aspect of Mike's teen life with several 'gifts' from the Energists for his service to them. Book 4 will put my twist on the 'NIS' program during Mike's return to his teen years.

Again - Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Your comments are always appreciated - good, bad or indifferent as long as they're civil.


Submitted Ch.1 of Book 2

Posted at

After reading all the replies regarding my 'post or hold off' question, I used your feedback and the feedback from my editor and decided to start submitting Book 2. Right now, I only see 4, possibly 5 chapters in this Book and I have 2 ready to submit and the 3rd is almost written. Hopefully I can keep ahead of schedule with Chapter 3 and 4.

Thanks for your comments, suggestions. They have been helpful, even if they supported the opposite position on what to do.



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