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AL-Canadian: Blog


Final 2 reedited chapters of Rebooted Teen Years Submitted

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Hey folks - I finished my reedit of all 60 chapters of After the Energists: Rebooted Teen Years. While I didn't change the content too much, I hopefully made them all more readable and enjoyable for your amusement.

Have a great weekend. Go Saints and Jags on Sunday!!

Mike (AL-Canadian)

ReEdit and ReSubmit Chapters 50-56 - After the Energists: Book3

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Hey folks and ROLL DAMN TIDE! What an expected outcome in Monday's Championship game. You may not believe this, but I told my best friend, Brad (I've reconnected with him!) at half-time that Saban was going to play Tua at QB to have a passing attack. Even though J.Hurts was 26-2 as a starter, I just felt he wasn't going to be able to pass the ball well enough to bring the Crimson Tide back from that 13-0 deficit.

As for Book 3: Rebooted Teen Years, I've reposted chapters 50 through 56 for your reading enjoyment. Hopefully, they are more readable and 'realistic' for teenage conversations.

Mike (AL-Canadian)

Mike and Tempe's NIS Week - Chapter 2 Submitted

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Hey folks and Happy Birthday to Mike, Brick and Elvis!! I just submitted the 2nd chapter in Mike and Tempe's NIS Week. I hope you enjoy reading it. Votes and comments are much appreciated.

Mike (AL-Canadian)

ReEdit and Resubmitted Energists Book 3 Chapters

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Hey folks - I have gone over a few more chapters from Book 3: The Rebooted Teen Years. I now have from chapter 1 to chapter 49 re-edited and resubmitted. Hopefully, they are a little more readable and less 'wordy'.

On a final note, today -> "ROLL TIDE ROLL!" in the championship game on Monday night!!

Mike (AL-Canadian)

After the Energists - Book 5: Mike and Tempe's NIS Week Submitt

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Hey folks and Happy New Years! I have submitted the first chapter of Book 5: Mike and Tempe's NIS Week. I will submit one chapter per week, as I get back into writing the 6th and final book in Mike and The Energists series.

Please vote for the after reading the chapters. However, please do so regarding the story versus your like or dislike of the NIS genre. FYI - it isn't a typical NIS story as there is NOT a lot of forced sexual situations. I will deal with some social issues, as well as set up the final book in the series, which uses the NIS rules as a key component to getting Mike back with Kaleigh in 2003.

I hope you enjoy it or at least stay with this story as some things as the final book will build off some of the story issues in Mike and Tempe's NIS Week.

Mike (AL-Canadian)



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