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AL-Canadian: Blog


After the Energists - Book 6 is close at hand

Posted at 3/27/2018, 1:11:02 PM

Hey folks - I have five, edited chapters in my back pocket for Book 6 in my Energists' series. The title of this 'final' (that's the plan) book is "Championships, Concerts & Completion".

My current plan is to submit one chapter per week, which should allow me to stay far enough ahead in my writing and editing to have a semi-set schedule. With the new SOL computer system (offline period), I may wait until SOL is updated to submit the first chapter.

As I've mentioned in prior posts, there is/will be some NIS activities in this 6th book as the program is still going on at school in Ontario (specically at Medway High). However, they are not the main focus, and this book has not and will not be written in the traditional week of NIS events/activities style like Book 5.

Hopefully, I've gotten back to my basic story telling manner of writing, so those NIS activities will come across as less 'NIS focused' when they are covered in this book.

Again, thanks for reading my story. Comments are always welcomed.

Mike (AL-C)

Final Chapter in Mike-Tempe's NIS Week

Posted at 3/9/2018, 3:08:20 PMUpdated: 3/9/2018, 3:15:34 PM

I have submitted the final chapter (15) of Book 5 -> Mike and Tempe's NIS Week. There is very little actual NIS activities other than the ending Halloween concert experience. There are also some key items that will be developed in the FINAL Book of this series (at least I believe it will be the last Book).

I have just finished the first chapter of Book 6. I hope to get one chapter finished per week based on my crazy word schedule. Additionally, I probably will hold off submitting Book 6 chapters until I have at least 5 or 6 in the hopper. Therefore, this will probably be my last submission 'till mid-to-late April.

For those readers who haven't been a fan of the NIS angle, Book 6 will obviously still have some NIS aspects (band challenge, concert, as well as some possible isolated events involving Mike's friends -> Cano, Elizabeth, Kalena, Brad or a few other 'minor characters'). Please realize that there won't be any of the typical NIS fare that follows specific students for their complete week in Book 6 (even I've had enough of that 'focused' NIS type angle).

Thanks for reading all these Books/Chapters. Please keep on letting me know what you think or if you see any obvious screwups, which are all on me.

Mike (AL-C)

To the Non-NIS People - Update

Posted at 2/28/2018, 12:58:18 PM

Hey folks = for the readers who aren't fans of the NIS program but still have an interest in my Energists' story, I would like to suggest that you read Chapter 9 (Iron Man) and the 2nd page of my last chapter (I Can't Drive 55) to get feel for a few new characters, as well as a hint of the future after this Book 5 - Mike and Tempe's NIS Week.

I'm about to begin writing on Book 6 (I have the outline for completing this story). It will include some NIS aspects as the conclusion builds from this Book. However, it won't be anything like a the usual NIS-stories (no week in the program). Because it is in Medway now, a mention or two of usual events are inevitable, and will also play a role in wrapping this story up.

The NIS Band Challenge, Concert are also covered but the last Book will hopefully be more along the lines of the first 4 books as I attempt to complete the circle for Mike's timelines.

Thanks for reading my story (or hopefully giving it a 'post-NIS' story gander). As always, votes and comments are greatly appreciated, even if they aren't always positive. I will try to relate why things are happening in relation to the whole story.

Mike (AL-C)

Energists Book 4 Chapters Re-edited & Reposted

Posted at 2/13/2018, 1:24:58 AM

Hey folks - I spent the past few days going over the nine chapters of Book 4 -> Start of the 11th Grade. I have hopefully caught most of the spelling/grammar errors, and tried to simplify the dialogue a little to make it more realistic.

It really is surprising how many little things you can catch after being away from your writings for a period of time. Doing this also has 'energized' me, and hopefully will spur me into getting Book 6 under way.

Mike (AL-C)

If You Can't Laugh At Yourself???

Posted at 2/12/2018, 7:20:08 PM

Even though I 'caught' this typo as soon as I read my posted chapter, I couldn't help but laugh at a reader's comment on my amazing funny screw up. Here is the line from Lynette to the guests at the Halloween party:

"as a reminder to help keep both the poo and hot-tub relatively clean ..."

I can SOOOOOO hear Lynette making that faux-pas. Fortunately for her, I've corrected it and a few other typos/grammar mistakes, and have resubmitted that Book5-Chapter9 file.

Remember -> laugh at yourself every now and then!!

Mike (AL-C)



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