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Xalir: Blog


Chapter 15 and a general update

Posted at

Chapter 15 is in the pipeline now. It should be up shortly. The next few days should be interesting. I've had requests to know more and get more focus on different characters and that will happen this week as one of the chapters, entitled "Interlude 1", tells the next part of the story from someone else's point of view. Hopefully you all enjoy that.

In other news, I finished the first draft of Book 3 last night. I've already done a boatload of revisions on it during writing, so it's mostly proofed. The first several chapters are with my editor now.

Book 2 is pretty complete at this point, but I do have another editor that reviews some things with a different eye than Justin and he's asked for a copy of Book 2 so he can see if he can scare up any errors from it.

Again, thanks to everyone that sends continuity errors, spelling mistakes, error corrections and general feedback. I appreciate all of it.

Chapter 14 and other news.

Posted at

I've submitted Chapter 14 to the moderators for posting. It's an interesting turn of events, containing some news on matters involving Donald as well as some attention for the girls.

On other matters, my editor, Justin Mix, just finished edits on Book 2. He's eager to see the beginning of book 3 when I can get it to him. No spoilers, but I AM fond of my cliff-hangers. The end of book 2 was an even bigger surprise than book 1 was.

Again, thanks goes out to everyone that points out where I miss the target on spelling, punctuation or pass over an explanation that was there in my head but didn't quite make it to the page. Keep it up.


Posted at Updated:

In honor of passing the 50,000 download milestone, I've posted a bonus chapter and also posted a little earlier today than I normally do. For those of you who were a little uneasy about him keeping the money secret, this posting should explain some of what he was thinking.

I hope you all enjoy the bonus chapter and keep sending me feedback. Thanks.

Chapter 11

Posted at

I just put chapter 11 in the posting queue, so it should be up shortly.

This chapter is very interesting and sort of a turning point for Matt and Lana. No spoilers from me, but this really was one of those changes that evolved organically as I wrote the scene. I find most of those changes take the story to places that it wouldn't have gone if I'd deleted it and insisted on holding true to my original vision. I hope you all like it.

As always, comments, corrections, criticisms, complaints and outright hatred are welcome. I answer everything that comes my way unless there's no email for me to reply to.

Thanks to everyone for their support in reading and voting.

Chapter 10

Posted at

I've submitted Chapter 10 for posting so it should be up shortly. This one contains a character that I thought was kind of fun to play around with a little, but no spoilers from me.

I did want to say a word about something that was sent to me anonymously. Someone pointed out that the use of foreshadowing was taking them out of the moment and losing the carefree attitude of the scenes. I actually did this on purpose. The prologue is the present day. All the verbs are present-tense and it's what's happening to Matt in the immediate present (Or more accurately, in the near future sometime since the story isn't done yet). The main story though is Matt's recollections. Everything is past tense and is sometimes colored with his narration of events.

Thanks again to everyone who's messaged me with support, criticism, error fixes and general feedback. I love all of it.



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