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Xalir: Blog


Chapter 32

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I just posted chapter 32 to the queue and, barring problems, it should be up soon.

I apologize to anyone that thought yesterday's post was the end of Book 1. I realized that was a vary real possibility from the way that I've phrased it. Book 1 ends on a very shocking note. If you're not shocked, then we're not done. lol

Also, I want to make note that it was brought to my attention that not all my email replies have been reaching their intended recipients. This is because I've been using the reply function, so it's been going to the SLO Feedback email. I'll be combing through my sent items this week and next and trying to get all the emails I previously sent forwarded to the correct addresses.

Big thanks to all the fans, critics, grammar teachers and fact checkers that keep me in line. Without you, I'd be lost.

Not quite the end

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We're getting close to the end of Book 1 and today we passed 150,000 downloads, so I put up the last of the bonus chapters I'll be posting for Book 1.

The summer's drawing to a close for Matt. School is looming large and that's where Book 2 will find him. I haven't decided when I'll start posting Book 2, but I've got a couple of extra offers from proofreaders so I'm mulling over giving them a week or so to rough me up for my bad grammar and occasional spelling mistakes.

Again, HUGE thanks go out to everyone who writes. That's where I get my real encouragement to keep at this.

Chapter 29

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I just posted C29 to the queue. In my opinion, it's the single most powerful scene of the entire book. A lot of people have commented on how easy things have been for Matt since things with Miranda resolved. This scene shines a light on that and shows how deceptive that's been.

I want to thank everyone who writes to me, whether they have corrections, conjecture for the future, comments on the chapter, just a note on how they reacted to it or something more. I haven't had a lot of people send me suggestions yet, but I'm sure many of you have them. Feel free to run them past me. I answer all the emails I get except anonymous feedback and I appreciate it all.

Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 is submitted for posting and should be up shortly. This was one of my favorite scenes to write. Everyone's known a girl like Manda in their lifetime. It was a genuine pleasure writing it and there's several lines in the chapter that I'm particularly proud of.

Huge thanks to everyone correcting me on my grammar and spelling. People are still catching little bits here and there that got missed during our editing process. I hope it hasn't detracted from anyone's enjoyment of the story so far and I'm planning a master repost once the most eagle-eyed of the readers weighs in on the last chapter.

Thanks again to everyone who sends me feedback. I appreciate it all.

CT Scans and Chapter 27

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Today's chapter is submitted for posting. It's an interesting piece of the story and I hope you all enjoy it. Special warning to anyone that suffers from anxiety attacks, this chapter may trigger some issues as it describes, graphically, a severe anxiety attack. I've tried to capture the physical as well as the emotional impact they have on the sufferer. If it resonates true, please let me know. I'd appreciate knowing if I got it right or if there was more I could have focused on.

A few people have pointed out that repeated CT scans is a fantastic way to get cancer. Since this was NOT what the study was hoping to accomplish, I switched these to MRI scans throughout the story instead except where an actual CT scan would have been helpful. See Book 3 for details. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out. I'm not familiar with the medical scans and when they're used, but having had a CT scan a couple of times over the past 10 years for neurological testing, it seemed appropriate. So thanks to all the people who pointed out the gaff. Keep correcting me if I'm wrong about something. I appreciate it.

As always, thanks to everyone who writes to me. The past couple of days, I noticed a severe decline in my daily mail until I checked my junk folder and found 20 messages that shouldn't have been flagged, so today, I sent out a lot of replies. Remember, I can't reply back to anonymous feedback. Include an email somewhere in the message if your SOL account is set up not to share yours. Otherwise, I can't write back.



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