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Xalir: Blog


Chapter 26

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I've posted Chapter 26 to the moderators. It's an interesting chapter, consisting almost completely of Matt's initial conversation with Dr. Spencer as a therapist, rather than a physician. It was one of those scenes where the next line just seemed to be at the end of my fingertips before I was consciously aware of what was going to be said. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

As ever, thanks to everyone who messages me about the story. Not a lot of corrections lately, so either I'm getting better as a writer, my editors are doing a perfect job catching them (FAR more likely)or people are starting to back off on sending them in. I'm planning on reposting the entire story once it's done to update all the corrections at once, so please, continue to send in corrections.

In a related topic, I want to encourage people to send me feedback or just engage me on what they liked about the story. I had a long letter the other day asking questions about the future of the story, voicing suspicions about foreshadowing and breadcrumbs I'd left in the story already. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I sent an equally lengthy reply back. Matt's been consuming all my free time for months now. This has become a legitimate passion for me. Hearing from other people who are passionate about it is a genuine joy and a welcome break from writing and editing.

Thank you all for making this story a success. I've watched the rating and the download count rise significantly and it's awe-inspiring. I'm humbled by the response every single day.

Chapter 25

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Today's chapter is in the pipeline and is awaiting approval for posting.

This is the introduction of Dr. Spencer's friend and colleague, Dr. Saddler. It's also Matt's interview before the review board and much, much more. I hope you all enjoy it.

On another note, I'm just about done rereading Stupid Boy and starting to refocus my mind on Matt and his woes. I should be back to writing again before the end of the week, feeling refreshed from the break.

Having written three books back-to-back, I was starting to get a little burnt-out. I needed a little time away from the characters and events to remind myself what I love about each of them. Now that I've had that time, I'm looking forward to delving back in.

Special thanks to all the people who've sent me feedback and especially those who have pointed out things in the story that intrigued them, made them wonder, wanted clarification on or just wanted to ask about the inspiration for. I love this story more than I can say. When someone else who loves it comes to me and tells me what they love or wants to know more, it sincerely makes my day. Keep it up. I have so much motivation to write from those letters that I can't convey how inspirational they are.

C24: The morning after

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Next chapter should be up soon. I'm about halfway through my reread of Stupid Boy 3 and then it's back to edits, rewrites and fresh chapters for me.

In the mean time, I think an attempt at sleep is in order since I'm seeing the SOL typeset even when I close my eyes now. As always, feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated and I will respond just as soon as I finish my current "vacation" in David Dawson's life. Thanks for all your support.


Posted at

Chapter 23 is presented for posting. I hope you're all still enjoying it. This is possibly the chapter readers have been anticipating most so far with the possible exception of the continuation of the prologue.

Thank you all so much for the feedback, criticism, corrections, praise and outright flames (slightly less enthusiastic thanks for those ones though). All your input helps me guide the story better and hold on tighter when the ride DOES go off the road.


Posted at Updated:

Wow! A hundred thousand downloads on my first story. This calls for a bonus chapter. I'm a little shocked at how many milestones we've passed so soon. The story is rated really well, is being read every day and the feedback has all been so positive and constructive. Thank you all.



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