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Xalir: Blog


Sorry I'm late

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Today's chapter is VERY late posting. Unfortunately, this is the first time I've been at my computer since early this morning. My deepest apologies to everyone who's been waiting for today's chapter.

Thanks again to everyone who has contacted me for the story. I appreciate all your feedback and often times, your emails just brighten my day.

The aftermath

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Today's chapter is about the morning after Matt's marathon encounter with Hanna. For those of you looking for a little more humor, the reactions that morning are a little more light-hearted.

Thanks again to everyone who writes. I'm getting a few more suggestions for the future and that's awesome. I love that because, like Matt, I don't have a corner on the market for good ideas. Keep sending them.

I've also been writing a LOT in the new story that's been rattling around. It's entitled THROTTLE and I'm probably going to send a few chapters out for editing this week to post here sometime down the road.

The Marathon

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This is an interesting chapter. It has some dialogue between Matt and Tricia's father that I particularly liked, a little banter between him and the girls and his second punishment session with Hanna. I hope you like it.

As always, thanks for all the emails. I treasure all the feedback you've given me and I hope it makes me a better writer.

Bonus chapter for 100,000 downloads

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Decided to double post today since I noticed that we were over 100,000 downloads. These two chapters represent most of the rest of Matt's week and the beginning of his weekend.

For those interested, I've started a new story. It's been messing with my ability to focus on Book 4 and I find when that happens, it's best to take a break and concentrate on what's getting under my skin.

As always, thanks to everyone for the emails I get. Whether you're offering criticism of the story, suggestions for the future, well-wishes to the flood damage or just wanted to chat about something in the story that caught your eye, I've appreciated it all.

Thursday, Part 2

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The tail end of Matt's Thursday is submitted to the mods for posting. It starts with the mysterious request for help that Lana made at the end of Chapter 23 and encompasses the rest of that evening.

Thanks again to everyone who writes and to everyone who sent me their best wishes during this past week in the wake of the storm that turned my life upside down. There's still a lot to clean up and assess how much we lost, but we're starting to get a sense of the damage and throw out what we can't save.



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