Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Xalir: Blog


And now for something completely different...

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I've just posted the first part of a story unrelated to My Journey. It's a shorter tale, told in 6 parts. Chapter 1 should be up shortly. It's a VERY different tale for me. The Party is a cheating wife story. For those of you not interested in this genre or who have some experience, this might be a story you'd want to skip. Then again, it might be the kind of story that helps you work through some of the worst of them.

Thanks to everyone who's read my work so far. The response to Book 3 is already overwhelming.

Book 3 posting

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I just started posting Book 3 to SOL. For those of you that have been waiting, today is the day you've been waiting for. I posted Book 3's prologue, Interlude 1 and Chapter 1. They should be up soon.

I want to thank everyone for their support of the book 3 pre-release. The response was SO overwhelming that it broke my email and it's done wonders to help clean up from the disaster of the flood we had. Thank you all!

Clitorides and other adventures

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I'm told that the Clitoride Awards are open for nominations. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't like to see my name up for a category or two. If you're so inclined, your nomination is greatly appreciated. I followed the awards to some extent last year and I'm eager to see how this year's awards turn out.

I've also given up trying to fix my email woes for now. I've moved everything over to my Gmail account for now, so there should be no disruption for anyone trying to reach me.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has supported the pre-release of Book 3. It's been shocking to see the outpouring of generosity. It's made it possible for me to replace the appliances we lost in last month's flood and taken a huge weight off my mind. Thank you all so much.

Vote Quimby!

Broken email

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Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that the response for the pre-release has been SO overwhelming, it broke Hotmail. My account literally won't send messages any more. So what I'm doing right now is trying to move things over to my gmail account. It's slow, tedious work, but I'm working on it. So please be patient with me.

Book 3 pre-release and Chapter 38

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Hi folks. Today marks the last part of Book 2. A lot of people have been clamoring to see what happens here and there's been significant speculation about the Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you all enjoy it.

On another note, I'm starting the pre-release of Book 3. For those of you who want to binge-read it, contact me for details. Be warned. My posting schedule for Book 3 is going to be a tad slower than it's been for Books 1 and 2, so if you want it read it before the Christmas carols start, this is your best bet.

After today, I'm taking another little break to handle the pre-release and to focus on the three (yes, three) writing projects I have on the go right now. I should start posting Book 3 to SOL later on in the month though. I haven't determined an exact date, but about two weeks from now seems likely.



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