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Uncle Jim: Blog


The Master Warrior, Chapters 7 & 8

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with those at the CIA trying to track Thorne. They lose sight of him near Arlington.

The following morning Thorne and Grace discuss whether to accept the mission. He contacts Mr. Hill at 1030 to arrange for a briefing. The CIA tracks the call but Thorne has out foxed them.

Following the call, he tells Grace that she is nearly ready for the next leap in abilities, and that he will help her achieve them. It involves a lot of sex. She is ready and they proceed.

At CIA headquarters, Hill is summoned to the Director's office to explain why it was invaded. He explains about the call and the briefing.

The next morning they arise at 2:00 and head for the briefing site. Around 6:00 CIA people arrive to prepare the site followed by those sent to capture them. Director Hill arrives at 9:30. Thorne calls him to inform him where the briefing will really be held, before jaming all of their radios.

Following the briefing, Thorne uses his ability to read minds to discover what they left out, before he and Grace escape, leaving the CIA unable to follow them.

Later at Grace's house he arranges to take care of her house and her finances and ID for a number of years. He also tells her about the need to stop in Cincinnati.

At CIA headquarters, Hill is again called into the Director's office to explain the fiasco of that morning.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

I wish all of my readers and all of the readers and authors on SOL the Very Happiest of New Years.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 5 & 6

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with Thorne and the others arriving on the enclosed porch at the back of the house to find a dozen vicious dogs and their handlers waiting for them. Thorne's solution to the problem is to call on the Grroz to remove the threat. The CIA men are shocked by his solution.

Thorne explains who the Grroz are and where they came from after they depart. He then demands to know what the mission involves. Mr. Hill finally tells him. After Hill explains the mission, Thorne and Gwen depart in an SUV belonging to the K-9 unit.

They stop in McLean to eat as Gwen is ravenous. Thorne explains more about the Grroz and where he is staying before the question of his age comes up. Gwen also reveals how old she is.

They return to Arlington to collect his things and the rental car. After Gwen naps for a few hours, they head for her house out in the country. The rental and the K-9 vehicle are hidden in the garage.

Meanwhile, those at CIA headquarters are very busy. Soon after returning, Hill has a meeting with his boss and the Director. He has to explain everything that has occurred that morning. His bosses are less than happy to hear all of that, but direct him to set up a search for the K-9 vehicle.

At Gwen's house, she reveals her past and her real name over wine. After she goes off to sleep, Thorne considers what to do about the mission and the use of the Grroz. Having reached a decision, he too goes to sleep after chanting for a time. He is awakened later by Grace who is in need. They have sex three times over the following hours before sleeping for the remainder of the night.

On awakening, Thorne insists they exercise. They go to the basement and do the exercises that he has been doing daily for the last two thousand years. A shower follows and then breakfast before it is decision time.

Those of you who have read my story "Keeper of the Gate" will be familiar with the Grroz, as they appear in the first half of that story. If you haven't read that story, this is their introduction. They will also appear in Keeper II, if I ever have the time to finish writing it.

I wish all of my readers and all of the Stories On Line readers a Very Merry Christmas.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 3 & 4

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with Thorn leaving the meeting house to change hotels to the one where he expects to receive several deliveries of things that he has ordered.

On Sunday, he visits the CIA offices, both at the Embassy and the clandestine one in another building. He makes discoveries at each one before visiting the CIA men's apartments to obtain some of their clothing to impersonate them.

That evening he goes out for a good meal of sweet and sour pork. A Thai man guides him to the restaurant's new location.

Monday, he deposits the money from the CIA in several of his bank accounts. Tuesday, his new suits arrive. Tuesday evening he flies out of Bangkok to Japan as Agent Holiday. Wednesday afternoon he leaves Japan and arrives in LA on Wednesday morning. He arrives in the Washington DC area that afternoon, where he changes his appearance to that of a Mr. Johnathon Good.

On leaving the airport, he drives to Arlington where he get a room in at a very exclusive men's club. In the morning at breakfast the members are very surprised when he relates where he has been and what he was doing.

Following breakfast, Thorne leaves the club unnoticed to go to Langley, Virginia, the home of the CIA. Arriving at the gate there is a problem, but he is soon picked up to see the Deputy Director of Operations, a Mr. Hill.

After a confrontation in Hill's office, Thorne learns where Gwen is being held and taking control of Hill and his assistant, he drives to the house where she is being held. He soon locates her in a cage in the basement. After locking the CIA men in a cell, he releases Gwen who is not in good condition. Upstairs, she eats and then showers. They are checking on the CIA men before leaving, when they all hear the howling of the dogs now surrounding the house.

I have finally finished the story and the final chapters are being edited. It required longer than I had expected, but I think you will enjoy it.

More surprises next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 1 & 2

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The opening chapters of the new story have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

The story opens with the first attempt to recruit him. Thorne Saint Cirq was at dinner in an expensive restaurant when he was approached. He quickly convinced those sent to get him to leave with little trouble. A week later in his dojo, Thorne is confronted by the upset teacher of the man he had defeated earlier in the restaurant. After sparing together for a time Thorne puts him on the mat, and the man realizes that he is a great Master.

Thorne had decided to retire from public life, as he put it, after the attempt to recruit him, and began dismissing his students and closing the dojo. There was one student in particular who he would miss, Gwen. He advised her to to continue studying and he would find her when he reappeared.

The second attempt to recruit him, many years later, is more insistent and violent. He had been staying at a Wat in Northern Thailand for over 33 years. When those sent to abduct him threatened to destroy the Wat and kill the monks unless he went with them, he disposed of the eight thugs and captured their leader.

On the way to Bangkok in his captive's vehicle, they stop for food, fuel, and clothes for him. Thorne had read his captive's mind and knew were and when to report to those who wanted him. Arriving in Bangkok, they checked into a hotel that Thorne had stayed in previously, where he retrieves valuables left there previously.

The next day he purchases a laptop, tablet, and a smart phone. Later he orders a new credit card and other documents. The following day new suits are ordered.

On the appropriate afternoon, they go to meet the CIA people who had him kidnapped. In the house, the captive answers their questions, convincing them that he has Thorne Saint Cirq, even though he appears to be an old man.

In the back room, the CIA men question Thorne and he shortly gains control of the situation and demands to know what they want him for. They don't know the details but have his friend Gwen and threaten to harm her if he doesn't cooperate. After reading their minds, he transfers into his original form and disposes of the CIA men; burning their bodies in the front yard. On changing back to his human for, he drives their vehicle out of the compound.

The idea for Master Warrior was started a couple of years ago. It has taken some time to write, once started, because of interruptions this year for hospital visits. It also required a good bit of research. I hope that you enjoy the opening chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim


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I've made corrections to a number of stories over the past couple of weeks. They were provided to my by a sharp eyed reader. My thanks to him.

I am nearly finished writing a new story 'The Master Warrior' and will begin posting it shortly.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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