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Uncle Jim: Blog


Marianne, Chapters 5 & 6

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open in the middle of summer break. Will takes Mare to the school pool in early June. She is not enthusiastic about lying out in the sun, as it isn't done on Telchines. Will persuades her to try swimming, but that doesn't turn out well, even with Nick's help.

Mare is very interested in their Geology classes and has a question for their Professor. This again leads to some interesting happenings. She and Will meet with several of their professors later who have a proposition for her. Mare finally agrees to collect samples for them when she returns to Telchines.

Between the summer and fall semesters there is a trip planned by the school to the asteroids, so the students can learn first hand about rock mining. During the space suit inspection, the rock miners led by Thorn insist on a thorough and complete inspection. Later they help the other students move around with out gravity.

Trouble arises a few hours into the return trip after visiting the asteroid mines when the ship ceases to function. At a meeting, the rock miners reveal just how bad the problem is. Among the several problems found, the most pressing is the broken thrusters. Following calming the students, Thorn, Ralph and Mare go outside the ship in their space suits to deal with the broken thrusters and move a couple to obtain even thrust for the rest of the return trip. Mare has some trouble adapting but is able to help in moving the two thrusters to their new positions.

On returning inside, they learn that things are better but not great, as there are still problems. They eventually arrest the Captain of the ship and convince the crew to surrender. They aren't finished yet though, as there is still one more thruster to be moved, and a hidden fuel tank to be located.

Enjoy these two chapters; more next week.

Again, thanks to all of the readers who voted for Maureen in the Clitoride Awards. The story finished Second in the Best Erotic Fantasy Category. Also a big thanks to my Editors for their help with that stories and all of the others.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Maureen 2nd Place

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I wish to thank all of the readers who voted for Maureen in the Clitorides awards. Glad that you enjoyed the story.

Thank you for your vote.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Marianne, Chapter 3 & 4

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with Marianne and Will meeting the CSM Weight Lifting Team. The team is impressed with her ability to lift weights. Later that day, there is a near accident that Mare prevents.

We next see Mare and Will at Thanksgiving. They have little to do and are bored. Following exams in December, there is Christmas, New years, and the semester break. They are approached by the rock miners about working at the space port over the holiday.

The next day at the space port they meet Mr. Przbyiski (Ski), the head of the cargo section, who hires them as seasonal workers. Mare finds that some of the equipment has been sabotaged and reports it to Ski. Later Internal Security arrives, and she demonstrates what was done.

Mare has finished the repairs, when another tractor breaks down. She, Ski, and a supervisor go out to collect it. Mare releases the stuck trailer connector.

The following day, they take Nick with them to get a job in the cargo section. That afternoon Nick and Mare are threatened by the union workers. The two of them have no trouble dealing with them. They all continue to work through Sunday, the 7th of January before starting school again on the 8th.

Several months later, Mare discovers a large deposit in her student account from the company for unmasking the plot to steal parts. She and Will go out to dinner.

I hope you enjoy these chapters. More next week with additional adventures.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Marianne, Chapter 1 & 2

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The first chapters of the new story have been sent to thet Moderators for posting.

The story opens a month or so after school had started when Marianne and Will are separately invited to go partying with some of the other students at CSM. They had been partying for several hours, when others started trouble with them. Mare stops it, but they decide to leave the bar.

Will befriends Mare on the way back to school, but then doesn't see her for several days until going to the gym early one morning. What he sees shocks him. A short time later, three men enter looking for Mare and trouble. They leave after a short time, having seen what she can do.

Will later chats her up after class about how she handled the three men. He is very understanding of her desire to stay out of trouble.

A week or so later, a very large man arrives looking for Mare and trouble. He finds her and it, but not the way that he expected. The police rule that it was self-defense.

Will is again the one who looks after her. Later she explains why she is so worried about hurting the people and things here on Terra. Following classes that day, Will had questions about some of their school work and is invited up to her room. He learns more about her and life on Telchines. They remain good friends.

Several weeks later, Mare invites him up to her room on a Friday night. she is interested in having sex with him. They each explain about the differences in the way sex is perceived on their planets. Mare is still worried about injuring him and explains some of her previous experiences with breaking things here. They eventually do have sex, but need to change positions. Later Mare reminds him, that they need to workout in the morning.

This story has been quite some time in appearing, as I stopped work on it to write several other stories that have appeared here. The first part was easy to write, but later chapters required a lot of research. I'll explain more fully when we get to them.

Enjoy these chapter, more next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

A new story - 'Marianne'

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I plan on starting to post a new story - 'Marianne' next Friday, if the editing of the final two chapters continues to go well.

This story was started in mid 2016 and was worked on with interruptions until mid 2017, when it was put aside in favor of other stories that I was more interested in working on. There were seven and a half chapters completed then.

Earlier this year, I decided that I needed to finish it and started on the remaining chapters. It turned out that the final two chapters were much more research intensive than I had imagined, and it has required several months to complete the story. I hope that you will enjoy it.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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