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Uncle Jim: Blog


The Master Warrior, Chapters 17 & 18

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The final chapters of the story open with Thorne returning the Grroz to their reality, before he and Grace clean up, break camp, and store their camping gear. On returning to the house on Camino Bosque Dr, he calls Mr Hill to inform him that they have finished their mission. Hill is anxious to get a hold of the device, but Thorne drops his demands on him before telling him about the Grroz.

Following the call, Hill contacts his boss, starting a chain of events that inconveniences a lot of people that night, as they prepare to clean up the mess and remove the device.

Early the next morning, Thorne and Grace check on who has arrived and what they are doing. Mr Hill arrives at 10:00 and delivers the money. At the site, a number of people are sick on seeing what is there. Thorne and Grace escape while Hill and the Nuclear Response Team are examining the device.

Later they return to the hotel at Big Bear Lake, but leave the next day for Dallas. In Dallas, they contact Paul and give him the Cartel money they found.

Hill and the CIA are still unable to locate them, and the Director is upset on learning that they were taken in by the Russian Mafia.

Grace and Thorne go to Cincinnati to visit the Kotros and store their weapons. They are helped to secure travel tickets to LA, Japan, and Thailand as well as passport help in Japan.

While they are traveling, the CIA is still looking for them but they are soon distracted by the missing Plutonium from the device.

In the Postscript, we learn what Thorne and Grace do over the next seven years.

Of course, there is much more going on in the story than is covered in this short outline. Read the chapters to get all of the details.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading The Master Warrior. I am currently working on several stories and hope to have one finished and appearing here soon.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 15 & 16

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This week's chapters open with Thorne and Grace leaving the hotel to begin their surveillance of the area where they suspect the Cartels have the device.

That evening Thorne goes hunting in his original form, after they set up their camp and begin observations. On Tuesday they observe the guards being doubled, before they begin their reconnaissance that night. They especially check out one house on Camino Bosque Dr.

Later that night, they check out the burned buildings and learn what they contain.

Mr. Hill and his team arrived on Saturday morning, but aren't detected by the Cartel watchers until Monday. Their message isn't delivered until Tuesday.

on Wednesday, there is more observations and another reconnaissance further down Baldwin Lake Dr. Little happens on Thursday morning.

Meanwhile, Raul arrives in LA and receives a call that the negotiations have broken down. So does Mr. Hill who sets things in motion to detect the arrival of the device in LA.

Raul arrived at the house on Camino Bosque and receives a call about the preparations being made around LA. Things come to a head quickly after this as the Cartels gather their men.

Soon Thorne opens the gate and the Grroz arrive. The Cartel men arrive at the buildings, and Thorne sends the Grroz after them. The Cartel leaders take refuge in the building with the device, and Thorne and Grace have to dig them out, while the Grroz deal with the rest of the Cartel's men. They eventually reach the device.

Of course there is a lot more going on than what I have mentioned in this brief outline. Read the chapters to get the full story. Next week the remainder of the story.

Keep Well,

uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 13 & 14

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This week's chapters open with Thorne and Grace getting settled in their hotel room and checking out the various facilities of the hotel before going to dinner.

In the morning they exercise and spar outside before breakfast. On setting out after eating, they are immediately assaulted by the sound of motorbikes. They decide that wheels will be quicker than walking for their recon and rent an off-road vehicle.

Arriving on Baldwin Lake Road, they check out the subdivision east of the road that was most affected by the forest fire. Their curiosity is aroused by a group of six burned out buildings. Later they check out other areas. Over dinner, Grace brings up several points.

Sunday they relax but are soon board, and go to check out several of the campgrounds near Big Bear Lake. At one, Thorne detects another Immortal. They meet with him and have an interesting discussion. Later at dinner, Thorne discusses the implications of what they have learned.

The next morning, they prepare to set out on their reconnaissance.

Meanwhile, the CIA is still trying to track where Thorne and Grace have been and what they are doing. It is decided to send Mr. Hill to the West Coast to supervise things there.

Enjoy these chapters. More to follow next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 11 & 12

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This week's chapters open with Thorne and Grace still traveling west after leaving St. Louis. Eventually, they stop near a lake in New Mexico, but the area is too dry for good hunting.

They reach California on Thursday, 11 May. They stop north of San Bernardino to change clothes and appearances to that of the Appalachians before arriving at their hotel.

The next morning, there is trouble when the hotel management thinks they are fighting in the fitness room. Later, Thorne visits two of his banks for more money. Saturday, they purchase a used vehicle by impersonating a couple of Mexicans.

Monday, they travel to Northwest Los Angeles on a recon to learn about the Cartels. Tuesday, they go to the west side of South Central Los Angeles for a second recon. That afternoon, they are accosted by four gang members, who they handle easily. There is no time to interrogate the gang members as the police are on the way.

On Wednesday, they visit the east side of South Central LA. At lunch, they find the man who accosted Grace when they stopped to change identities. He turns out to be a Mexican cop. Later that afternoon, they are again accosted, but by ten gang members. After taking them out, they read their minds, and Thorne finds a tip about where the Cartels could be.

Thursday morning, their workout is interrupted by three CIA agents, who try to arrest them. Thorne knocks them out and calls Mr. Hill. Later he goes out to buy maps while Grace continues her research. After plotting a number of forest fires, Thorne is convinced that the Cartels are hiding in the Big Bear Lake area.

After developing a plan for staying in the Big Bear Lake area, they check out of their hotel in San Bernardino on Friday and head for Big Bear Lake.

There is a lot more going on in these chapters than what I have included in this brief outline, but you must read the chapters to learn what it is.

Enjoy these chapters, more next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

The Master Warrior, Chapters 9 & 10

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I had a long explanation of this week's chapters prepared, but I'm going to skip it. Just let me say that there is a lot of traveling in this week's chapters. Thorne and Grace get rid of the K-9 vehicle and confuse the CIA. Grace rents her house out for 5 years and they set out for Cincinnati to retrieve Thorn's sword.

While they are there, we learn a bit more of Thorne's history before they set out for Saint Louis, where they run into one of his old students who invites them to a tournament. Thorn needs to demonstrate some of his abilities at the tournament, and we learn more about him.

Later at the party for the winners, his student brings up certain troubles that he has, and Thorne and Grace acquire an expensive SUV to finish their travel to Los Angeles in.

Enjoy these chapters. More will follow next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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