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I'm sure everyone is curious when my next installment of Sibling Magus will be. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much writing done over the last three weeks because I came down with a severe case of Pink Eye in both eyes. My eye lids were so swollen, most of the time I couldn't see. I've caught up on listing to my collection of audiobooks, that for sure. Over the last few days, I've been biding my time because my eyes don't want to focus. They're much better today but my right eye (my strong eye) is still giving me fits. It's like there's something in my eye (though it doesn't feel like it) because everything is still a little blurry.
Fret not. I fully intend to finish this book and the next. Truth be told, I have so many plans and ideas for this world (vs the Mind Magi world I developed for my Master PC stories), that I can say there will be at least (probably more than) five stories after I'm done with the Lockdown story arc. Whether those turn out to be large story arcs too, that's yet to be seen -- though a good idea, just to keep me writing. :)
I hope everyone's summer is going well, I know I'm enjoying the lower than average heat and greater than average rain fall where I live. And OH the movies!
--==( Sibling Magus )==--
Okay, so it seems even with a small army of editors helping, errors continue to slip through. I've submitted corrections for chapters 3, 5, & 6 (4 is getting by unscathed?!? HOW???).
If anyone else finds any errors, feel free to shoot me an email with details.
--==( Sibling Magus )==--
I have just submitted chapters 3 thru 6 for Sibling Magus for posting. Enjoy!
--==( New and Child Magus Stories )==--
I have just submitted a complete set of corrected and updated chapters for Child Magus. One of my new volunteer editors has been teaching me so many things I either forgot or never learned about English as it pertains to writing and punctuation.
--==( Internet at Home )==--
Yes, you heard me right. I have internet at home again, thanks to some very generous donations from a fan.
--==( IT Classes )==--
No word yet, since their last email. I've sent them a query about the classes, and am waiting for their reply.
--==( Summertime )==--
As any divorced parent knows, summertime is that special time when you have your kids for weeks on end or even over their entire summer vacation. Last Saturday (6/15), I picked my kids up for the summer. Normally this means my writing and posting schedules become erratic at best, but this year, both kids will have their own computers to play on, and the internet to keep them occupied while I write. Yay! I won't have to fight with them just to get to use my own computer!
--==( Sibling Magus )==--
I have narrowed down my list of editors down to one. There are a couple I continue to talk to while working out kinks in the plot, but for all my grammatical corrections, I'm only now referring to the one. After going over his corrections and comments in the revised Child Magus, I've come to accept him as a solid choice in making sure my stories are not only punctuated correctly, but are very legible and the particular points understandable. He's gone over topics with me, asked questions regarding different details in the stories, and is happy to comment on anything that strikes him odd or makes him laugh. He's gone over the new chapters twice and I'm waiting on comments from a friend of mine regarding the plot (I think I'm moving too fast, but I could be wrong). Once I have his input, I'll let everyone know whether I've posted them or have to do some re-writing. I know, it's a pain having to wait, but I want to do this right. Especially considering the complexity this story and the next one is going to have.
--==( Sibling Magus )==--
I apologize for the delay in releasing further chapters, but I ran into an issue I thought I had resolved. Chapter three is the aftermath of chapter two, but there was another issue that has yet to be introduced. I've completed that introduction in the next two chapters and have sent them off to my gang of editors.
Currently, I'm working my way through the first sex scene of the story (which will be in chapter 5). Once that's finished, the next several chapters will simply fall into place. So, I beg everyone's patience while I write as quickly as I can.
--== ( Webinar and Classes )==--
As I mentioned in my last blog, I attended the rescheduled Webinar which simply explained what the classes are all about. Since then I have been waiting for notice of when the classes begin. This week I received an email regarding the classes and sent in my choice of the presented options (1: free classes but contracted to work for the company providing them for five years, or 2: $15,000 for the classes without worrying about the contract). I chose the first option for two reasons. First, it's free. Second, when I finish I'll have a job to start. I cannot see a downside to this, and frankly I don't think I would believe it if someone presented me one. However, the wait for notice of when the classes start continues.
--==( New and Child Magus Stories )==--
One of the editors helping me has decided to go over my first two Sex Magus stories for more corrections. I'll post those as I receive them. This should make reading the series easier for many folk who very likely considered my current drafts in need of those corrections. I've already posted chapters 1-8 of Child Magus.
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