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Shinerdrinker: Blog


Finally, A moment of piece.

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Okay. So it's been a while.

I haven't forgotten about "Mayhem in a Pill" or given it up. Family drama tends to bubble up to the surface around holidays featuring family. My family is no exception.

I write this as eight nieces and nephews are yelling and screaming at their 14 or are it 15 devil spawn running up and down the hallways and staircase of my previously quiet home. The cat ran away and is hiding, so at least there is that. Wow, I found the silver lining.

Anywho, I haven't had a chance for much writing, and my normal stay up late and work in the quiet of the evening has been shattered by the various little spit merchants destroying my formerly lovely home. I found a few minutes here... hang on... ugh, another cretin looking for its mother. I told it their mother ran away from home, and now I'm getting chastised by my wife for some reason. She's yelling something about me not listening to her when there is a problem. I dunno. I wasn't really listening. Bah dum tiss.

Okay, comedy aside, I'm waaay late on the next chapter, and I don't see it coming down the pipe until maybe next week. But the real good news is they all leave by Saturday. I know it's only been a week, but that week started six months ago. So long story short. Too late. The next chapter is postponed for another week or so. But I can tell you few fans still left that it is going back to the future with a view of what happened when the thin Tim and George are called into action to help rescue the undercover agent sent in to spy on the CID-SI when they discover she is in fact a spy.

So if you are desperate for something to read this weekend, refamiliarize yourself with that part of the story. I know I had to.

So with that, I'll bid you all... one sec. "No! I don't need to watch you walk down the stairs on your hands. On second thought... should be good for shits and giggles, especially if the eventual fall takes out a few of your demon army along the way."

Wow. Maybe there is a god. Got three of them, and I'm not the only adult in the house smiling.

Enjoy your holiday!


Something I noticed late Saturday night

Posted at Updated:

I just finished watching the Alabama vs. Texas A&M college game and decided to change the channel. I switched to Saturday Night Live, and the description of this new episode has guest host Brendan Gleeson. Okay, that's got potential, and then the musical guest is Willow.

This is where I went down a little path.

If you've followed along with me on this website, I have waxed poetic about my love of the serial "Dman" by Cold Creek in the past. While I love the stories, I have mainly complained about the lack of a new chapter in this great series. It has been a while since Cold Creek updated his incredible story. But there it is in full color... Willow is playing tonight on the long-running show.

Of course, it is not the "Willow" from the "Dman" series. But I could not help but instantly remember the feeling of two of Michael Stewart's girlfriends leaving him to be with each other. They never spoke to each other about it; it just stopped, and everyone ghosted everyone else.

I now believe this is why a burgeoning relationship with his English teacher in "Mayhem in a Pill" also fizzled out. I didn't figure that out until just now.

All because I got triggered when I read "Willow" was to be a musical guest host on a well-past-its-prime TV show.

P.S. This Willow is Will Smith, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's kid... when did she become a singer?

P.P.S. And now I wanna re-read the Dman series. But for sure, my want of a new chapter in that story will someday be satiated. And then I'll immediately want another.

Holy cow, is this what it's like to meet a deadline?

Posted at

I'm wondering if this is the feeling. It's an arbitrary deadline since all this is free for you readers. I have set a general timeline for getting the chapters out before a month has passed between posts.

Now I have met it for the second month in a row. Woo Hoo! Baby steps, baby steps.

I have sent the next chapter to my first editor. He takes a little bit of time with it. Then the seconds don't have as much free time to edit, but when he gets it, it generally takes a couple of days.

I like this chapter. A little bit of action never hurt anybody. Well, I guess someone is gonna get hurt. Or it wouldn't be any action, would it?

Okay, so chapter 70 of Mayhem in a Pill is sent to the editors. I guess I'll dance like the little writer monkey some of you want me to be and kill any of my free time just to give you more free stories. I know you like the story, or you wouldn't have come this far. So to those who say they have to stop because they are upset about the infrequent posting, I say okay... but come on back when the itch tells ya too! I'll still be here... naked... wearing only a cock ring.

(Guess what movie I'm going to watch today as a reward for finishing ahead of the deadline.)

Tee Hee!


Why we do this... not!

Posted at

So I got an email from someone...

If you can't finish a story in 5 years, you really should take up another hobby. It just isn't that good of a tale to take this long. Its ok, lots of folks aren't cut out to be writers.

Yep, that's why we do this.

Oh yeah, I didn't do any correcting to what he wrote. I'll leave it as is.

Sorry about venting, but I was in the middle of writing, and I chose to continue doing that rather than taking this guy's suggestion.

Back to the grind we go.


WOW! A nice reaction?

Posted at

Well, one day after posting, the count for that chapter has already passed 5,000 for the latest chapter. Amazing! Thank you all!

I guess I better get back to writing. I've said it before, but I generally try to post the next chapter once the previous one reaches over 10,000. So we are already halfway there to our goal. Tee Hee.

Though, I am shocked at the numbers. Shocked and enjoyed them. So much so that I have started the next chapter. But I'm still stuck in a quandary. I want to get on with the birthday dinner and the surprises I'm thinking of adding, hopefully, for my score of fans who read my poor choice of words.

I want to get to the dinner, but I also want to get to the removal of the undercover spy from downtown. Ooh, maybe I can have them meet each other! Nope, that won't work. I'd have to introduce the aliens too early in the story. Oh wait, did I type that out loud? Please, forget I wrote that.

Okay, coin flip it is. Gimme a sec, will ya?

Good, we trust the gods with their choice. I hope you guys will like it once finished. What was the winning flip... I'm not gonna ruin the surprise.

Tee hee.




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