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I asked that many times over the last month and a half. I apologize for the tardiness of this next chapter, but I did have a good reason. Believe it or not, I was writing too much.
I did 18 different versions of this freaking chapter. Eighteen! I've said it before, but my chapters are usually around 16 pages in LibreOffice. But I had versions of this chapter hitting 30 pages. Way too many.
So I had to cut them and edit them myself before sending them on to the editors simply out of not wanting to embarrass myself too much. I mean those guys have had to edit my unseen prose. That ain't easy, lemme tell you.
So long story short, I have sent chapter 77 to the editors, and hopefully, I'll be able to post this new chapter early next week. But it's up to them and how much red they leave on the page.
Tee hee.
-- Shinerdrinker
I was perusing SOL too late in the evening when I noticed a name in the list of authors Up for Archival. That is the list where authors who have not signed on to SOL under that pen name for a full year have all their stories published on the site placed behind the paywall.
I hope everything is okay with Shrink42. His "Banner Year" is still one of my absolute favorite stories on this site.
I only noticed because, as an aging individual, like, I suspect, many others here, I have achieved that nasty habit of reading the obituary pages more often than I'd like to admit, just to see if I knew someone no longer here.
It's macabre, but then again, I keep finding more and more people of my age and up who have this same affliction. It's the same reason I periodically check the "Stories About to be Archived" list, you know, to see if I know someone on it. I just saw Shrink42's name and stories listed as getting ready to be placed behind the paywall.
I hope the absence is just because he wrote the stories he would write, and the itch was scratched. Here's to hoping that is why he hasn't logged on to the website and not for any other gruesome reason.
I suggest everyone read one of Shrink42's stories because they are great. The stories are so great. They help you skip over any typos and let you enjoy the story.
My personal favorite of Shrink42's is "Banner Year." But I also enjoyed its in-universe companion piece, "Redemption." It's not as good as Banner, but it is in the same universe, and you don't need to read either/or to be able to understand either/or.
"Corona Heights" was a nice read as well, but it hit a slight squick for me and knocked me off the story for a bit, but I soldiered on and enjoyed it for the experience.
I've rambled on enough. If you have a chance, read "Banner Year." You'll enjoy it.
Okay, first, apologies.
Sorry, but I was unable to finish the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill this week and send it off to the editors this past weekend. I was NOT fucking off and only searching for MILF porn. I did that, too, but on separate tabs. Tee Hee.
But I didn't finish the chapter because I needed to go back through and rearrange some things to nearly force the chapter to flow better. It took the better of two days to fix my obliterated smorgasbord of what is supposed to resemble writing.
(On a quick tangent, did you know you were supposed to re-read everything AFTER you had already written it? Surprised the fuck outta me, but I figured it might make the editor's job a little bit easier in the long run.)
I'm still working on it and am determined to finish it this week and send it to the editors. ASA-friggin-P!
Another quick apology to my editors, I was never accused of being overly endowed with intelligence. I will venture to read my prose before sending it to you. (Why didn't someone tell me?!)
But I digress, and just for penance, I will not search for MILF porn tonight or tomorrow. There. You see. The sacrifices I make for you people.
Ugh. I can already feel the sweats from non-Milf porn time on the computer.
I know. I know. It's been a while.
I can only explain why there has not been an update on Mayhem in a Pill. The excuse this time...
I just didn't wanna.
I had the time but didn't have the "wantto." Do any of you understand that? I was lazy. I have been for most of my life, but it once again reared its ugly little head, and I did little to no writing this last month or so.
As an excuse, though, I can say it's very difficult to write football scenes with nothing good as an example to help with motivation.
No ill will to the USFL. But the football played in the XFL was better. There were supposed to be higher-quality players in the USFL, especially since they paid around 15 grand more per player. But the play quality was much worse, and I can not remember a single player from this year's USFL.
Can you?
But I digress... I have started writing again. I generally put out chapters around 16-20 pages long, and the next chapter is sitting at the 18-page yard line.
I have a couple of different ways for the story, but I'm having trouble deciding which way to push the story. Not a ridiculous amount of change like forcing it into a "Florida Friends" or maybe even a "Life in Paradise" universe.
I could be coerced into a "Stupid Boy" universe tie-in, but that is another story altogether.
But I digress. Part Two - Electric Boogaloo.
It ain't quite ready, and I hope to finish it this week and maybe get it to my editors this weekend. But no promises.
Hmmm, a "Stupid Boy" crossover. Methinks I should think a little bit more about this, what do y'all think?
Tee Hee.
Okay, everybody!
Just letting you know I have sent chapter 76 of Mayhem in a Pill to the editors, and it should come in whenever it comes in.
In some even more gooder news, I have more time this upcoming week for writing. Not every second, but the bull should be pushed aside, and I'll be able to do some writing.
So, while I'm not guaranteeing an unbelievably fast turnaround for chapter 77, I expect to work on it this week. We'll see.
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