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Shinerdrinker: Blog


An update.

Posted at

Hello everybody.

Just a quick update. I know I'm behind schedule for the next chapter, and I apologize profusely.

Life gets in the way. But life is moving on for the next weekend, and I'll have time to work on it this weekend. I know... I know. Make plans and let life laugh at them.

But my wife understands I've been putting you guys aside to help her and her family's problems. So she will give me this weekend to work on the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill. She said she is actually looking forward to it as well. That was a shot across the bough since she said she gave up on it when Tim first took the damn pill!

So, I have my marching orders, and she even refilled my bucket o' Shiners I keep on the floor next to my writing desk. I came in with a six-pack; she had already put a six-pack in there and topped them with ice. I'll thank her later... probably tomorrow. But tonight, I'll try and get as much done as possible, and if I need to keep working on it tomorrow, you guys can also thank the wife for that time.

Okay, enough joking around with you lot. Back to work, I go.

Tee Hee.

-Shiner... ahhhhh. Drinker


Posted at

Okay, a quick update for my score of fans.

Just letting you know the next chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill" is at least 90% completed as a first draft. I still need to end the chapter and send it off for editing.

That would be something very simple to do, but if you have been a long-time follower of this story, you know there is something that will keep me from completing it for at least the rest of the weekend.

NFL Draft time. I take the draft seriously.

As such, I will not be able to finish it this weekend. I'm looking at next week for me to finish the first draft. Then, I can send it to editing and finally post it for all y'all.

Just letting you know... it ain't personal.

Well... maybe a little personal.

Tee Hee.


Oops... almost forgot

Posted at Updated:

I almost forgot to let you guys know. The next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill is with the editors, and I've given them the weekend to work on it.

Once they have arranged to send me my monthly quota of MILF offertory (it's good to be the king), I'll go ahead and post it for all of you.

So expect it early this upcoming week, like Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Unless something bad happens like Jessica Biel leaving that Boyband husband of hers and she spreads eagle on my front lawn declaring her undying love for me... again.

So long story short, a new chapter coming soon... heathens.

Tee Hee.


So I got on a good wave!

Posted at

I started a little writing earlier this evening to get some stuff down. I ended up getting a lot of stuff down.

I finished the chapter a good week before I thought I would. So I've sent it on to my incredible editors. We'll give them a little time to go through it and see what needs to be fixed.

Of course, once they see it is the epitome of writing excellence and decide there is no correction necessary, I'll release it to y'all.

Tee Hee.


I had a bad thought...

Posted at

Oh, don't worry. It ain't that bad. But as a reward to myself for getting quite a bit of the next chapter for Mayhem in a Pill written this week, I decided to go ahead and reread some of one of my favorite stories. Cold Creek's The Defenseman.

Here I am, happily reading along and getting pulled in once again to everyone's favorite hockey player when I had a thought. I don't know why it appeared, but it did.

Remember the series finale of that 1980s TV show "Newhart?" Then some of you might be putting two and two together and figuring out what bad thought fluttered across my normally MILF-majority ladened mind.

What if "The Defenceman," "Dman2," and also "Dman 3" we're all a walking daydream of Mike as he is standing at his father's funeral? I mean, it's possible since he had just lost his mother a few months earlier and as he put it, his father died of a broken heart hastened by his work accident.

Oh shit! Now I have to use this tissue because the air pollen is terrible.

Crap. Why did I need that thought now?

On the off chance that Cold Creek reads this, "Please if you haven't already outlined an ending for the story, don't let the Newhart series finale be the idea you needed to copy. At the very least, keep thinking about it."

Or at least Cold Creek, write another chapter to keep us going. I realize it isn't easy to continue, but don't give up on it now!

Now back to the reading cause I'm done writing for the day!



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