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Seer Of Lost Fates: Blog


New Chapter in Dance

Posted at

Chapter Five in Dance just got given to the Moderators. I know, I know, I said the end of the week, but when I sat down to work on it, I just finished it, so you guys get it early!

I'm sure I won't hear any complaints about it!


Posted at

Ok, so i got my computer issue solved. Now its back to the grindstone to finish up the next chapter of Dance!

Look for it in the coming week, I want to get it to you guys before the month is done!

Technology sucks

Posted at

I know I said Chapter 5 of Dance should be out by the middle of this month but my computer has decided that it no longer wants to work properly. So I'm spending half my time trying to fix it and the other half swearing at it.

More updates as it happens.


Posted at

I guess I have a bit of a confession.

Since Chapter 2 of Dance I have found myself not just caught in the story when I write but making changes to delay introducing a character, because I honestly don't know how she'll be received.

I'm not entirely stupid, I've checked various other stories on here, purely for research of course *cough cough*.

And yet, I'm still not sure how she'll be received. Just nervous I guess about it. I've not used a character like her before, her age I mean, but I can't finish Dance without her.

Trust me, I've tried, and we've all seen how terrible that went.

Next chapter should be here before mid-March, and if she isn't in 5, then we'll meet her in 6.

Thanks again to those eagerly awaiting the next chapter, and hopefully this isn't a teaser instead of a confession.

Chapter 4 of Dance

Posted at

Yes, Chapter 4 of Dance is now in the queue!

I'm trying to get at least one chapter a month, but my new story is demanding my time, since it wants to be written. But it's time to force some multi-tasking now.

Enjoy Dance everybody!



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