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Seer Of Lost Fates: Blog


And here we are!

Posted at

Aeria is finished!

Well, it was finished back on Friday, but we all know that I tend to be a bit late to this stuff.

I hope you all enjoyed it! It's my second (at many times it was my top) rated story thus far.

Expect the sequel to pop up sometime in January, and after that the Callisto Universe will open to any other author wishing to pen their own story for it, following a list of rules I provide.


Posted at

I'd love to know if other authors are as anxious as I am to have their stories posted when they have them finished and scheduled to release....

The Callisto Universe has launched!

Posted at

With the release of Aeria, the Callisto Universe has officially launched.

Aeria will update every Friday, and will have 4 Chapters total. After Book 2 releases (in either December or January) I will be entertaining the idea of having it become an Open Universe. By then I'll have a solid foundation for the rules that I can give to interested authors.

It begins!

Posted at Updated:

On Friday, the first chapter in my first story in some time will be submitted for posting.

The story is completely written, so there will be no long delays waiting for the next chapter (here's looking at you Dance!), it is only 4 chapters, and will be the first entry in a new series and a new universe I am setting up.

What if....

Posted at

What if...
I said I was still lurking around here?

What if...
I said that I may even be writing again?

What if...
I said that story was going to kickstart my first story universe?

What if...
This was all supposed to happen by Friday?



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